
Responses from montytx

Passive Pre - No Regrets?
I'm not a fan of passive preamps. I've tried several, and they all failed to impress me for the same reasons that several others have posted. This, inspite of having proper impedence characteristics to suggest that the source would have no problem... 
Which artists' music do you buy without audition
Steely Dan, Mark Knopfler, Eric Johnson for starters. 
Need help with room
With such a small space, it is very easy to overload the room at too high SPLs. I would consider setting your meter at 0 at 80db and 1Khz. Also, the distance from your driver to the surrounding boundaries will have the most significant sonic effec... 
Kill Top End Extension - All Silver Ribbon Cables
I agree with Sean. Don't sell your Argent cables short. They are quite extended at both frequency extremes and still mighty fine cables. 
The under 10K speaker
I haven't heard the Sophias. But, I have listened to the Duette and Alexandria. If I could afford the Duette, I could easily live the rest of my life without ever buying another component, except as a replacement for wear.I did not find the Wilson... 
Need small speaker for less than $750. Ideas?
Dynaudio Audience 52 or 52SE if you can find a pair used. Vocals are superb and listening fatigue is not an issue. 
Has anyone used Portal Paladin amps?
I've not heard the Palidins. However, Wes Philips has a pair in for review that should be published in the very near future.I have owned the Panache and wasn't crazy about the passive preamp section. However, I'm not crazy about passive preamps to... 
I'm Looking For the Best
I don't know of any turntables that will accept an ipod. 
How do I know what my system's
I would demo a Conrad Johnson preamp or at least try a good tube preamp. 
Breaking in questions about Cardas cables
Settling interconnects by shutting down your amp and running your tuner through the powered up preamp will work fine. When I am settling new cables, I simply leave my tuner on at moderate levels while I'm away and at low or listening levels when I... 
Cables, Cables
As a devout cable nut, I can say with absolute certainty (all laugh) that some cables need over 200 hours of settling time to reveal themselves. Cables that are dealer demos don't usually need a full weeks worth of current, but some new cables don... 
I've come to the realization...
You chose wisely. Cardas Cross was the first that came to mind. As an aside, for others who may keeping up with the thread, Tara Labs Reference Gen. II, interconnects and speaker cables have become rather inexpensive and will tame the digital nast... 
does output quality change when amp bridged?
The amp does see a halving of the impedence when bridged, so if the amp isn't stable into half of the speakers impedence rating, you can have problems with the amp...especially when pushed hard. However, if your amp is stable into a 2 or 3 ohm loa... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Palpable. That word should get you kicked off the island immediately. The Whizbang 5000 presented Diana Krall with such palpable presense that I was convinced she was standing in front of me. The tribe has spoken. Extenguish your torch and leave i... 
Power conditioners for amplifiers
Whatever you do, try before you buy. There are many power conditioners that will step on the dynamics when used with amplifiers. I've been satisfied with a very simple, Radio Shack surge protector that plugs directly into the outlet and the amp pl...