
Responses from montobo

Great Monitors – Joseph Audio Pulsar ?
$5999 at 
Vinyl to PC
Alesis Masterlink is well respected by the pros. It's pretty easy to use. It has worked well for me. 
Best power amp for under 1K
as well as Threshold amps. Soderberg. Truly the expert/Guru. Famous for his upgrade/modifications as well as preventative maintenance. Soderberg used to be with Threshold and Threshold owned Forte'.So, you're rea... 
In search of more power ... MF? V Alstine?
AVA build quality has always been ABSOLUTELY first rate. He has been in business...well I don't know...30 years? The basic principles have always been, No designer components (magic caps or whatever) or anything of that nature...just top quality c... 
GMA Europa owners, what amps do you use?
I use two different amps. (2nd one first) a pair of vintage/upgraded Heathkit A-9C integrated monoblocks with 20 wpc in a 17x18x11 room with carpeting. The one o'clock volume position is as loud as I can stand it. This is plenty of tube power for ... 
Cayin TA-30 thoughts...
Scott, if I can jump in here. My Europa's are being powered by (as a second amp) vintage/updated Heathkit A-9c integrated monoblocks with 20 wpc in a 17x18x11 room. The Heathkit would not of course compete with the Cayin. Nonetheless, there is ple... 
I finally compared CD to vinyl and...
0.08 ppb (or 80 ppt) sodium sounds very impressive. 
I finally compared CD to vinyl and...
Geez, if some professional chemist wants to jump in, please feel free.Short, short answer:It is all about purifying water more and more (the water of your vinyl cleaner) so that residue is not left behind when the water has evaporated.Short answer... 
Best Recording of Scheherazade
That's funny, I clicked on to vote for Reiner. Those were Chicago's best years, in many respects. 
Help this budding Classical audiophile
Even cheaper CD's --the public library. Depending on your population area, the offering would vary. In Indianapolis, the Classical CD collection is HUGE!Gabbro, nice idea to include music in baroque style, particularly since the request was for "e... 
Would Audiogoners be interested in this?
Yes, and create a different category for Classical, not new releases (not so many of those) but Classical recordings and performances, new and old. I really think that separate categories according to musical style would benefit everyone.Thanks fo... 
I have a confession to make
Serious debt problem. No question. 
Alesis Masterlink as a CD Player?
Mark 7767,I agree with Avideo and Joemt, that is that the Masterlink does fine for what it's designed--record, rudimentary "editing," and burn redbook CD's. I have spoken with a number of professionals who all agree about the ML's value. I'm just ... 
FM/AM Tuner under around $500
Especially for the weak signal, getting a good directional FM antenna well above your roof--especially with a rotor, correctly aimed--this will make the most difference. Within the tuner, it's sensitivity that makes the most difference for far awa... 
Initial GMA Europa impressions and a few questions
Drubin asked:In their fully broken-in state, would you GMA and Europa owners describe these speakers as being forward sounding, i.e., front row perspective? I ask because I have heard so many great things about these speakers, and the Europas are ...