

Responses from mofimadness

Artist and Title
If you click on the "show more" link right under the title heading it says: "Music is an introduction to the last Novellara Blues Festival where my brother, Andy Haze, is playing guitar." 
Is a Sub required for HT
Mobile Fidelity Introduces UD1S Analog
I did finally see an expected release date on this first Santana "Abraxas" UD1S release,  October 7th, 2016. 
Mellow speakers
+1 for Harbeth 
Your favorite one-man band!
Jackson Browne. I know he usually has a band, but he did a series of "Solo Acoustic" albums and shows. I saw him, in concert,  twice during this time.FANTASTIC shows and music! 
Glass Master Toslink by DH Labs, Inc.
IMHO, Toslink, no matter hows it's made, will never sound as good as I2S, AES/EBU, BNC (coax), RCA (coax). 
audible illusions m3a
Do a search on here under:  "audible illusions customer service ".  Not the best in the industry.  Might take awhile to get a hold of them.  
choosing a tonearm for my new michell gyro
Do you have to buy the arm from the dealer?  If you can buy it somewhere else and have the dealer mount it, I would recommend an Audiomods arm.  Right in between the cost of the (2) arms you mention and way better than either.http://www.audiomods.... 
Can a buyer back out with no penalty?
If you accepted the "offer" through the Audiogon system, (which you should always do), then you can leave negative feedback on the buyer.Could be that your place was the only place to "audition" your McIntosh C-2200 preamp and that was the only th... 
Would you go all 1 brand for electronics?
If cost no object...MBL. 
Soundtracks that you listen all the way through and it's all great.
+1 on "The Commitments" & "The Last Waltz"I’ll add:"Streets Of Fire""Magical Mystery Tour""A Hard Day’s Night""Saturday Night Fever""Help""Purple Rain" 
VPI 3D printed arm mod.
Mat and Harry have replied to the Fremer article linked above by brf. Seems the mod will be user doable at home at not much cost. 
Yggdrasil toslink to Sonos Connect
Why would you connect with Toslink? Sonos has an RCA out and your Yggdrasil has an RCA in, a better interface than toslink. Completely agree. I think that jond meant using the RCA COAX to the DAC, not the analog outputs.I have a Sonos Connect tha... 
Mobile Fidelity Introduces UD1S Analog
Jim....the "In Concert" album is this one:https://www.discogs.com/Derek-The-Dominos-In-Concert/release/4134403Mofi re-released this under their 2nd iteration which was the Anadisq 200 series.  Catalog number was MFSL 2-239.I was assuming that you... 
So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya
Here is a bunch of discussion on the ADS:https://vpiindustries.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7553More info:http://www.soundstagedirect.com/vpi-ads-audio-equipment.shtmlIf you read all the way through the forum post above, Harry says it's way b...