

Responses from mofimadness

Soundlab Speakers - Budget Amp Suggestions
I second the Sanders ESL amp since I use one on my Martin Logan CLSIIA's and it's wonderful! I realize it's over your budget, but the predecessor to it is the Innersound version, used, should be in your price ballpark. Look for one of those. 
King of the one liners
My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday. 
conrad johnson mf-2300a heat
Is the amp inside a cabinet? If so, that is a tad bit high and probably needs some air flow around it. If it is out in the open air, yeah that's kind of hot. 
Ebay LP Purchases
I usually don't buy off of E-Bay, but I am trying to complete my Mobile Fidelity and Nautilus LP collections and E-Bay has had alot of the titles I needed.I must be lucky because over the past 6 months I have bought probably around 100 LPs and all... 
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally
New, updated info out of London yesterday:http://www.thebeatles.com/#/news/Vinyl 
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally
UPDATE:Most online vendors have lowered the BoxSet preorder price to $349.95 as of 9/27/12. 
Best 2 ch. Amp, for music, under $1k used
The Classe CA-150 is a sweet amp. It should be several steps above your Adcom 545. 
DCM TIme Windows 1A set up
Right to Right, Left to Left. 
Joseph Audio Pulsar Sp. on YOUTUBE-
Here's the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR1HBXCBMfg 
Cartridge for VPI HW-19 MK-III with Rega RB300
Audio Technica AT150MLXDynavector DV20X2H 
32-bit dac
The Eastern Electric MiniMax DAC is a 32bit device. The NAD M51 is a 35bit DAC. 
Upscale audio advice
I had a BAT VK-30 and used numerous different 6DJ8/6922/7308 tubes in it. Not sure what the Upscale Audio guy was thinking? The VK-30SE uses ONLY 6H30 tubes, maybe he was confused.Of the ones you listed, I have #1,2 and 4. My favorites are the USN... 
Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?
Here is a pretty recent review of the current Bose 901's in Tone Audio Magazine:http://www.tonepublications.com/review/we-review-the-bose-901/ 
Are cryo'd tubes always better?
This is only "my" take on cryoed tubes. I have the same tubes from the same supplier, one pair is cryoed, the other is not. Same batch codes, same date codes ordered at the same time. I can't tell the difference.So when I buy tubes now, if they ar... 
Best way to connect phono stage to int amp?
Any input EXCEPT the phono. An outboard phono stage uses a regular line level input.