

Responses from mofimadness

Adcom GFP-750 compared to AR LS-15
The ARC LS-15 is a line stage only and no you can't put a phono module inside it. Yes, the LS-15 is several steps above your Adcom. The GFP-750 is a nice unit, but not in the same league as the ARC...IMHO. 
NEW REVIEW SITE LAUNCHED: www.servingthemusic.com
Odd length speaker cables
Never "coil" speaker wire. It will cause inductance. As far as the lengths, you're going to get recommendations from both camps. Many feel that different lengths don't matter. IMHO, they should be the same length.If the system is just for casual/b... 
Steve Wilson`s new one
Which Steve Wilson? There are several musicians with that name. 
Record cleaning machine or other devices??
If you in it, (vinyl) for the long haul, I would recommend spending the dollars up front on a VPI HW-16.5. If you buy a cheaper unit, it probably won't last as long and you'll just end up buying the VPI anyway.I've had mine for over 30 years and i... 
Choosing a Floorstander by Footprint Size
You might check the Definitive Technology "Mythos" series or, if you could find a pair, the Athena WS-100. 
Tube dampers/coolers effect on preamp sound?
I use Herbie's Tube Dampers on all of my tube gear. I wouldn't say it's a profound difference, but well worth the asking price. It's a pretty cheap tweek that works well...IMHO. 
VPI Scout with Grado Master - but what next?
Steely Dan...ROCKS!!! 
Soundsmith re-tips received today
I have had a half dozen or so cartridges retipped by Peter and all of them are superb! I choose the $250 level service on all of them. Highly recommended. 
Tube preamp for $2,000
+3 Modwright. There is a LS100 on sale here for an excellent price.http://app.audiogon.com/listings/tube-modwright-ls-100-preamp-2013-02-24-preamplifiers-85713No relation to seller, just a great price on a great preamp. 
Netflix dvd
Here's a pretty recent thread on the same topic:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?bhome&1358165530&read&keyw&zznetflix 
revision of Traveler posted on VPI's site
It also went up $100 in retail price. 
Any "The Civil Wars" Fans?
I also have "Barton Hallow" on both CD and vinyl. It is truly an excellent album. Great harmonies and a warm intimate sound. Recommended. 
Misc MM cartridges
The Cartridge Databank at Vinyl Engine:http://www.vinylengine.com/cartridge_database.php 
Need a monitor while floorstanders in storage
Sunnyjim, that's the correct model number. Here is a link to the Stereophile review:http://www.stereophile.com/content/pioneer-sp-bs41-lr-loudspeaker