Responses from mmitch7711
Clement Perry's new reference speaker I missed out on attending CES this year, however I did have the opportunity to attend RMAF and the Sunny Loudspeaker H3W12 sounded extremely musical. I don't know which speaker you heard at CES, could you tell me which model it was, could the room... | |
Clement Perry's new reference speaker I had the chance to listen to the Sunny Loudspeaker at RMAF 2007The model I listened to was the H3W12, hooked to his Sunny Supreme Cables, and PC's along with the "Sunny Box". This particular model cost $27000 weighing over 350 each, the speakers ... | |
RAM modified Esoteric P70/D70 Review DavidMy review was written quite some time ago, since then both units have opened like floodgates, sometimes I sit and listen in awe that a system can bring out so much detail and resolution. I believe the UltraClock took some time to come into it... | |
RAM modified Esoteric P70/D70 Review Regarding the Adona Rack, I am very pleased with its performance. For the money, it's well worth it. The rack is not cheaply manufactured, very sturdy and heavy. You cannot go wrong with Adona IMOYes, I was extremely apprehensive at first, however... | |
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402? Interesting that you seem to be just generally dissatisfied for some unknown reason, just a lack of pleasureDon't get me wrong, if you are referring to Mmitch7711, I am not dissatisfied with my system at all, I was merely trying to protray that so... | |
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402? BrianmgrarcomExcellent advise, I read the forums at least 3-4 times a day and I more than always read how someone has had a breakthrough or the ultimate experience. I guess control is a virtue, however temptation can be an evil in this hobby, not ... | |
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402? Mmitch7711...why do you want to change? If you are pleased with your setup, don't fiddle with it.To tell you the truth, I have no idea "why", I guess I am like many who post on this site, always looking to take system up another level, however if... | |
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402? I too am considering the Pass X series, I presently own a pair of Mac 501's, I have owned a Mac amp since 1978, no other, my fear is if I change I may not like a different amp due to I am so used to the Mac sound. Another problem is yes you can go... | |
Modified Esoteric D70 with the Silver Rocks Thanks DgarretsonI have e-mailed you in the past concerning this subject. I was looking for as much info as I could get. I've done the ultraclock and all I can do to my Trans with fantastic results, with the exception of battery power and I don't ... | |
Modified Esoteric D70 with the Silver Rocks No one out there has any input regarding the Silver Rocks Transformers? | |
McIntosh MC402 As for CARY, I own a CARY SLP-05 and it's mated with my MC-501 monoblocks, I could not be happier. What a serious combination. Can't find anything wrong, very balanced, open, wide soundstage, transparent, with plenty of detail. I have owned and op... | |
ARC Ref3 vs Cary SLP 05 DI have and still am experimenting with tube rolling, believe me it can be an adventure, there are so many combinations available, and can become expensive depending on how fast you find what you are seeking | |
ARC Ref3 vs Cary SLP 05 Are the tubes in your unit factory issue? I have upgraded all my tubes which has enhanced the overall sound. I do believe different tube quality can have a profound effect on output. | |
ARC Ref3 vs Cary SLP 05 I have a CARY SLP-05 and I definitely cannot agree with Taxomega of it being harsh, mine is very smooth, detailed, along with transparent. I can't speak for the ARC Ref 3 due to I never heard it. I use the CARY with a pair of McIntosh MC-501 monob... | |
Is a DAC to Amp hook up better?? I guess I will have to eat crow and back off my initial claim of 25% improvement. I have recently discovered a bad tube in my preamp, I replaced the tube, now with the preamp restored, the system is performing marvelously. |