
Responses from mmakshak

What Is Best Monoblocks For Around $10,000 Used?
Not having read any of the responses, I highly recommend Nuforce amps(I also recommend Oritek X-2 interconnects.). 
Primaluna Two : cables, tube rolling ...
I didn't read most of this. I highly recommend Oritek X-2 interconnects(I also recommend Nuforce amps). I am only interested in music. 
Edge G 3 vs. JRDG Concerto integrated..
These are my two recommendations. Nuforce amps and Oritek X-2 interconnects. If you don't have analog, I suggest you invest in music. 
What price point favors separates over integrated?
I didn't read things clearly, but I recommend Nuforce amps and the Oritek X-2 interconnects. 
New blood needs your Amp/system advice, please.
Since interconnects were mentioned, I strongly recommend Oritek X-2. 
System Synergy
I understand that the Klipsch have an immediate sound, so I'm not sure this interconnect qualifies in that area, but I have to recommend the Oritek X-2. 
mcintosh & big $ interconnects
Listen to Oritek X-2's and get back to me. 
I don't do digital(although neither does music, but I didn't get my adam's apple or stomach tension with digital while using Oritek X-2 interconnects. I have to ask "Why do you listen to music?". Is it for relaxation? 
Interconnects for Dreadnaught and Cary p6
I don't have experience with your equipment, but I have to recommend Oritek X-2 interconnects. 
QED Qunex 3 interconnects
Since you are analog, and I am analog, I heartily recommend Oritek X-2 interconnects(actually they are good with digital-but we are talking music here.). Just because I said it lightly, doesn't mean that it isn't a very heavy-duty recommendation. 
Interconnects for the nuforce amp
While still using the Signal Cable Silver Resolution wire, I've since added Oritek X-2 interconnects(while still using the Signal Cable Silver{I also own the Oritek X-1's-you would think I would, at least try the X-1's in this system.). Let me jus... 
Interconnects for Conrad Johnson amp/pre?
I haven't tried your amps, etc. My standard response is Oritek X-2 interconnects(kind of like Jack Nicholson's standard response in "Terms of Endearment", "I love you too".) 
Top Ten Interconnects of all time...
I kind of laugh. Has anyone tried Oritek X-2 interconnects? 
Help with speaker cables and interconnects
Try Oritek X-2 interconnects. I would also recommend analog(I say this as a Libra with a Taurus moon-music is unbelievably important to me.). 
Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?
Try Oritek X-2 interconnects. This may change your view about what is most important(I'm thinking that the others might not be as important as we think.).