Responses from mjcmt
Cambridge Audio 840C Remember, many of the units sold used are re-sells. I think some users buy them used to see what all the hub bub is all about and resell them when they realize their existing cdp has better synergy in there system or realize the improvement is sub... | |
Cary DVD 8 DVD player I posted on this forum and Audio Asylum when I was asking questions about the DVD8 which lead me down the path of research that end with me buying the HD-970 (980 was not out yet). Others confirmed my findings. I expected Cary to do mods or add a ... | |
Cary DVD 8 DVD player From my research and photos of the inside and out the DVD8 and the Oppo HD-970, the DVD8 is a repackaged Oppo HD-970 in a Cary chassis with a detachable power cord and shielding over the switching PS. A sturdy chassis and good PC can make an appre... | |
Cambridge Audio 840C Mdconnelly,I have not heard the 840c but am considering it. But, I must admit that having a 3D soundstage with good air, blackness, and edge delineation carries a lot of weight towards a good listening experience. Once the cdp shopping comparisons... | |
Rega Apollo vs. Cambridge Audio Azur 840c Has anyone else have had comparisons that feel the Cambridge is a better player than the Apollo? Daltonlanny,Thanks for your feedback comparing the 840C to other highly rated cdp's.I what ways has the 840c impressed you more than the Apollo and S... | |
Rega Apollo vs. Cambridge Audio Azur 840c Nice mini review on the 2 cdp's. Thanks for you insights. I think I would prefer the 840 for the same reasons you stated. I love absolute vocal clarity and outstanding dynamics. I have had the laid back sound before and I eventually tire of it, bu... | |
Jolida JD700 vs Jolida JD100A I auditioned both players. (Plus a Cary CD308, Rega Planet 2000, and an Onkyo DVD player) Without going into detail, the audio performance of the 700 isn't up to the 100. The 700's remote was also a cheap waffer remote (like that of the Bose radio... | |
Any Disadvantage Using DVI-HDMI Adapters? Ryder,Non whatsoever, assuming the quality of the wire is the same.HDMI carries audio and videoDVI carries video only. It has been the pro standard until HDMI came along. | |
Is this a crazy idea. I think we got way off base talking about active vs. passive speakers. Maybe another thread should be started on this subject.The whole idea of this experiment is to put together a very good HT system using my vintage JBL monitor speakers, and the... | |
Which processor? Linn, Rotel, Outlaw, Meridian? Stay with Linn all the way, including their interconnects and speaker wire. You will be glad you did. | |
Marantz versus Denon Blockerbrothers is correct. If you are after audio and video performance the Arcam 350 is the one to beat according to the Hi-Fi reviews. | |
Is this a crazy idea. Geared4me,I currently watch movies in high end 2 channel as well. I'm quite satisfied......but after hearing how incredibly dynamic and detailed the JBL 4312's are I got on this kick to use them in a vintage quad system, although they would be at ... | |
Is this a crazy idea. I'm getting mixed response. The idea is not to have a modern 5.1 or 7.1 HT system but a HT using vintage equipment. So let me try again with more clarification.I have 4 vintage JBL's control room monitors that are dynamic and accurate. Much music ... | |
LINN Majik vs Classik vs Wakonda vs Kairn It may be quite old.The 1st Briliant Power Supply was the size of a toroidal. It BPS wad inside a shielded enclosure the size of a toroidal. Are you sure you don't have that one? If you have a small S/N you may not have a BPS. The round BPS was an... | |
Linn Kolector or Wokonda preamp? Would love to get the newer Linn...will have to see how funds go. I will get the best I can afford. Thanx for the info everyone.Incidentally, is the 5103 preamp still worth considering or is it out classed by a Chakra amp? |