

Responses from mjcmt

I've narrowed it down but...
I like the look and features of the 1605. I hope 50wpc is enough when the others are 90wpc. My living/dining area is 22x18. But ultimately I want the best sound, what ever the brand. 
I've narrowed it down but...
Thanks, that is where I got the best prices to put this selection of receivers together. Have you heard this or other Marantz avrs? 
McIntosh MR78 tuner repair
It's really quite easy. I did my mr77 w/o any instructions a few times. More or less you remove knobs, then the side metal bars, and various screw that hold top and bottom bars that retain glass. You figure it out as it goes. Once apart you will p... 
Wharfdale Diamond - Pleb Audiophile speaker?
I remember reading the B&W CM series is made of woven fiberglass, not woven kevlar of the DM series, so looks can be deceiving if that is your criteria for deciding if a speaker is good or not. If the 9.1 is $175 and the 10.1 is $350, what qua... 
Wanted to buy. B&W CM2's
There's some on ebay now! 
Selecting Amplifier for Vienna Acoustics Speakers.
My experience with Vienna is they like an amp with great drive and detail. 
TEAC AI-3000 Integrated Amp Review
I see you posted your review 1.5 years ago. I like to read a follow up after you've had it for quite awhile...if you still have it and not sold it after the initial honeymoon stage. Looking forward to your further comments. 
Why do McIntosh come with cheap plastic remotes?
I like the shape and feel of my mac remote. It's interesting that they added weights inside, so even if it's plastic is has just the right amount of weight to feel good in my hand. 
seeking compatible amp/ CJ pv10, Vienna Acoustic
The combo of CJ and Vienna offers a warm/smooth/musical presentation but needs an articulate dynamic amp with outstanding detail to bring out their best in my experience. 
Opinion on Music Hall A50.2 integrated amp
Try AudioAsylum.com 
Cary Cd 303t SACD and SLP-98p Paired?
Cary cd player output 3 volts, not the common 2 volt output. 
Need a warm amp for bright speakers
NAD and Audioquest cabling should help out for sure. 
Recommendation for Integrated Amp w/ Big Sound
Lots of good suggestions, but I don't see many used I can afford. The Wyred4sound class D amps look like an amp that I'd like, but again I don't find them used. I'll be patient and keep looking for that great deal. 
Teac PD H750
The CD-H750 is my budget at $400. Not sure if the CD1000 at $800 is doable for me. 
Teac PD H750
It's been 6 months since anyone posted on this thread. I'm wondering if anyone has actually listened to or owned the CD-H750. Looking at the inside photos it is a totally different animal. I love the nice dac, transport, and iphone compatibility i...