
Discussions mikes has started

Vandersteen 2wq x-over help679017
Help with TT choice22291
Anyone know the Mission 747 tonearm?26654
Cartridge/tonearm combo for upgraded Linn L1232025
Tube Research Labs gear...querie37748
Turntable stands835117
Newbie to analog: Hi end rigs $2-5K on used market457514
Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse602721
Best TT/Arm/cartridge combo for 3k Used27786
Best SET amp for Coincident Total Eclipse speaker43676
New TacT speaker system26105
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 vs Gamut CD-129021
reference La Suprema II...Has anyone got these?17412
Please help with my digital chain27405
Foil strip CD tweaks...A mystery22655