
Responses from mikelavigne

Higher End DACs
bo1972 could be an A.I. bot gone off the reservation. seems not to be completely sentient. 
high end audio source
Mike at Suncoast Audio.http://suncoastaudio.com/ don’t know him personally but know many happy customers of his and have had plenty of positive respectful on line interactions over a number of years.carries some top flight brands. 
Higher End DACs
whatever diminished relevance this thread was clinging to, bo has extinguished.and i’ll never get the 90 seconds it took to write my last response back. 
Higher End DACs
The MQA music is often very poorly recorded. I listen to them every single week when I look for new music. No audio format will ever give you a better result in the quality of the recording. @bo1972,do you ever compare an MQA streaming recordin... 
Automatic Room Correction is better than the alternative.
further, i think there is the stereo case, and multi-speaker movie sound track case. one is trying to be real, the other has a different agenda.we can relate our own live music experiences to stereo listening and determine reasonable room set-up d... 
Higher End DACs
@ufguy73 if i was starting over i would not mess around with silver discs (CD’s or SACD’s) at all; if i had some i would rip them to files. it would be files and streaming only. think about it this way; silver discs are now 30 years old as a forma... 
Higher End DACs
regarding the consideration of digital and vinyl budget balance and degree of over-the-bleeding-edge for either or both, i don’t think i’m a good person to follow. i’m all in and doubled down on both + tape all in too. i’m crazy, so "don’t try thi... 
Higher End DACs
MSB, is a breed apart at the top of the line. and a price to match. build quality is on a different level with dual mono power supplies, and casework out of solid billet. the modular design is appropriate since digital interfaces seem to evolve. a... 
Higher End DACs
regarding the MSB ’house sound’, i am only intimate with my Select II. which i compare every day with my 3 turntables and 3 reel to reel tape decks. and my view is that i can go back and forth between all those and expect that the MSB will render ... 
Higher End DACs
I am still quite curious if anyone has had meaningful opportunity to check out a single brand - but across the line:MSB - Premier vs Reference vs Select i have heard the Reference and Select in the same system at an audio show. i did not hear them... 
Higher End DACs
There are a number of reasons why and how DCS is separating itself from other companies in the high end of the business. Beside the build quality, the architecture of the latest generation (Bartok, Rossini and Vivaldi) enables the company to co... 
MSB vs dCS Bartok
a fundamental difference between the MSB approach and the dCS approach is bit perfect verses up-sampling. my opinion is that bit perfect is the way things are going and that it allows you to get the best possible performance from the recording’s n... 
Higher End DACs
If anyone wants to hear the Extreme server and they happen to be in my neighborhood, east of Seattle, they would be most welcome. It’s awesome. And I have 20tb’s of files, Quboz and Tidal to sample. A bit of vinyl and tape too.You can click on my ... 
Higher End DACs
for those on this thread that read comments about the SGM Extreme server but felt it was ’overkill’ a well known DIY’r Romaz wrote a few posts about his own SGM Extreme he just received that might answer a few questions and clear up some distorted... 
Higher End DACs
Servers do heavy lifting in heavy lifting environments, streaming music files is not one of them unless you're Tidal or Qobuz. You’re better off keeping the server side completely away from the audio components connecting to a good streamer DAC...