

Responses from mijostyn

Parasound service problems
Remember these units are constructed in Taiwan which is why they are so cost competitive. The parts are over there and unless there is a "campaign" on a part they may not have it over here. Personally I would much rather deal with a larger stable ... 
Double Advent wiring question...
Ishkabible, are you stacking one speaker on top of another? 
Phono cartridge grading
grgaudio, you and I are certainly in agreement on one thing, equipment reviewers are equipment whores. As for cartridges I have no idea. None of my past or present cartridges are on your list. If you can make a living selling used cartridges god b... 
Is it possible to have vinyl nearly noise free?
Whart, yes stuff will collect on the cantilever especially if the record is not grounded out. Again this is where the artist brush comes in handy. I use a very soft little pointed one. with alcohol you can safely clean the cantilever and the front... 
Top five live Rock And Roll Albums
Waiting for Columbus   In terms of sound quality and performance this    the best Live R+R album ever made IMHOLive at Leeds  (RT's Favorite band, "now they were art!")Allmans live at the Fillmore East  The best Live documentary of Duane's   magic... 
Your favourite Rush albums?
Moving PicturesSignalsThey put on a great show, seen them twice but after these two albums everything starts sounding the same to me. What can you say to someone who actually likes Bitches Brew? 
Why not use a non-contact stylus on a turntable?
millercarbon have you checked out the bearing design of the more expensive Clearaudio turntables? Vinyl is the best material we know of for trench warfare but it is far from perfect. Basically it just wears out after 100 playings. That suits the b... 
Audio Research Reference 6 or Mark Levinson Reference n32
You need to hear the Ref 6 with the Ref Phono 3 phono amp. If only I had the money. I have heard this combo on big Maggies and all I can tell you is that you would be hard pressed to do significantly better in this life. The ARC line stages are si... 
Solid State Preamp Under $8000
You can't go wrong with a Pass Preamp but why not an ARC? The LS 28 is an excellent unit and right in your price range unless you want to shoot for a used Ref 6. You have their Phono amp after all. I love your tonearm. Brilliant design. How do you... 
Puzzled about reasons why there seems to be no shortage of used planner speakers
Getting planar speakers to sing is more difficult than with most point source designs. Positioning is more critical as is acoustic management of the space around them. They require a lot of power and yet do deep bass poorly and are best served by ... 
Phono stage recommendations
Karmapolice, Go for the XP 27. You will not be sorry. The only better SS phono amp is the XS and we all know how much that costs.  For tube freaks the ARC Ref Phono 3 and 10 are the real deal.  
Why do cartridge manufacturers give a range for VTF?
In most cartridges the coils sit between two magnetic poles. The magnetic energy between  the poles is even so position within the gap is insignificant. The only exception I can think of is one Van Den Hul model that only has one pole. So the reco... 
MC suggestions
I had a special low output Grado Reference cartridge. It put out 1.5 mv. It was my work horse cartridge for  some 25 years. Finally one channel died and I desided to retire it. The arm on this table a SOTA Cosmos is a Syrinx PU3, a medium mass arm... 
Turntable hum
What preamp or phono amp are you using? Does the hum change as you mov the tone arm across the record? 
Switched outlet for power amp
Rib,Generally not a good idea unless it is a low power amp. High powered amps can be too much of a load for those switches even if they have a soft start. Triggers have taken over as the preferred method of remota start up.