Responses from mid40sguy
Experience with HFTs I’ve over a dozen Synergistic Research HFT’s and agree with Goose and Millercarbon. They expand and lock in the soundstage. I simply. followed the instructions that came with them and then experimented a bit on my own. Very pleased with the result... | |
Upgrade Bluesound DAC or go to Aurrender? Love my N10 wonderful sound. | |
Prices here and on ebay.....what do you notice/think? I've noticed over the years a small number of eBay sellers listing well regarded gear at highly inflated prices. Those items sit unsold for a long time. Years? I have two theories. 1) The seller is in no rush to sell and hopes in time some well to... | |
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question You got great answers on the caps. Safety trumps sound quality and those electrolytic's are past their expiration date. Quality modern electrolytic's are significantly better that vintage ones so they need replaced.Jdane; Caps tubes cables do brea... | |
Phono stage or pre Amp? which is most important. Thelad, do you think you may upgrade the table sometime in the future? If so a quality phono would make sense. If not perhaps a better cart would be in order first.Elliottbnewcombjr's comments are well worth following. | |
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market? "Tobor007, If it's old and damaged, you pay less. If it's old, damaged, and vintage you pay more."Dear Tobor, Vintage is never damaged it's simply acquired patina over the years. And that costs extra. | |
Synergistic PHT... any other PHT heads here? Millercarbon, thanks for the tips appreciate that. | |
Synergistic PHT... any other PHT heads here? I drank the cool aid some years ago having at least 20 HFT's. Well worthwhile.Mixed results with the fuses.I've got two PHT's bought on sale. Only using one purple it's effect is minor but positive to my ears. Guys, I appreciate knowing I can inst... | |
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96 A close friend is a dealer. Over the years we spent hours listening to one room with top of the line McIntosh or VAC gear through two Harbeth speakers the 5 and 40. He recently has the DeVore line of speakers. Direct comparison he likes DeVore. I ... | |
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice Some very useful information here.My Harbeth speakers and room size are nearly identical to yours. I've got a VAC KT88 amp that sounds amazing IMO. Not sure exactly the output perhaps 75w? | |
All NEW DENON A110 Integrated Amp // Reference Class Bargain !.. Highend666, Not to be disrespectful but your post seems kinda spamie. Could you provide some actual insight? | |
Old FM Tuners....O.K., Great or Folklore... Rebuilt Fisher FM100B & McIntosh 110z with an old Radioshack roof top antenna.We have two local stations that sometimes play LP’s the sound can be amazing.Sadly I rarely listen to FM anymore because of the constant commercial interruptions. In... | |
Dynavector DV-10x5 repair? Thanks Matt. I did not know about the new/old verson great information.First thing I did was view Sound Smith's web site. Nothing there on repair for my issue but I'll email them. | |
Vinyl collection, now what? Please understand this forum mostly features somewhat fanatical analog lovers. Your request is reasonable in that you wish to copy your uncles collection to a format you know. You may be seen as a heretic to some here so expect a bit of pushback. ... | |
Am I getting old and grumpy? I have become somewhat "set in my ways" not grumpy but I respect your point.Contact for price means they have lost a sales opportunity from me. |