
Responses from mezmo

Mac Mini vs. CDP?
Not sure that there are any hard and fast answers to this one. In my experience, different USB cables made little (if any) appreciable difference in my system. This may be DAC-dependant, and differ depending on the tech they use in the USB interfa... 
Slight Tube 'Whistle' - Help?
Your hiss and whistle is commonly called "tube rush," and yes, they do that. Some more than others, some develop more or faster, and at least in my limited experience, preamps appear to be "better" at it that some other tube applications. Trick is... 
Reference HI Res material
Just starting to dip a toe in the genuinely high res stuff myself, and for a first (and free) foray, worth checking out the Benchmark "masters in their day" series. Folks at Benckmark, to showcase their gear, promote new stuff, etc., decided to do... 
Former MHDT Havana Lovers: What did you move onto?
Went from a Havana (with the Bendix) to a QB-9 for the same reasons: just not enough detail and control from the NOS DAC. Didn't listen very widely before I got it, but just so happens I did in fact compare it pretty closely to the new Bel Canto 3... 
Greeding to all DAC users
If you're looking to use the Meridian as a transport, and then improve it's DAC by adding something external -- and I'm sure folks will offer different opinions -- but you might find it pleasantly difficult to improve on the Meridian's internal DA... 
Simultaneous XLR & RCA outputs = bad?
Neato. Thanks again. 
non redbook CD's
Do I sense a definitional impasse? A CD player, by definition, plays CDs. CDs are, by definition, recorded in the “redbook” standard/format -- whether they be copies, burned copies or anything else. If you want something that plays something other... 
Simultaneous XLR & RCA outputs = bad?
Ooh, that's a whole lot of useful info -- our resident engineer to the rescue, again. Thanks. Haven't experimented with them both on -- habitually turned off the headphone amp when listening to the speakers. Worth a shot. The headphone amp in ques... 
Now that my feet are wet....
Frst of all, I'd consider realigning your assumptions. Right, that sounded awful, put it this way: if you're hearing a wonderful difference, for god's sake man, don't fight it. Computer for digital transport plus an outboard DAC can sound fantasti... 
Help understanding the new Stillpoints products
Gotta admit, I have shared the same frustration trying to learn more about this stuff. Sought to find an actual distributor in NYC (where one would think it wouldn't be too difficult) in order to learn more and perhaps actually see some. Nope. Tri... 
CD mastering a lost art?
I'd argue that there's nothing at all lost in terms of capability or artistry in mixing / mastering. Nothing. That said, a great deal of software these days is mixed for very different priorities than absolute fidelity on an exacting system. In fa... 
popping noise when turning on amp/preamp
Personally, wouldn't rush to blame your equipment. In my experience, a relatively minor (yet admittedly alarming) pop or such is fairly common on powering down high current gear. Order matters, and that is why you should turn off the equipment clo... 
Rogue Audio Cronus .... reverse polarity ?
Ok, admittedly of marginal use, but I remember when I was running a Rogue preamp that something in my system was intentionally designed to invert phase, such that I'd deliberately switched back at the speaker connections to get around it. Not sure... 
All Amps Sound the Same....
I was about to say that of course they all sound the same -- right up until the moment you plug them in and start trying to reproduce recorded software with them -- but then it occurred to me that even at might not be entirely correct..... 
Ipod Server-Why not?
Yup, a computer like the Mini will provide you with infinitely greater flexibility (ie, anything you might do with a computer), customizability (different software-end players or addons are just the start), tweakability (yes, anything you might ch...