
Responses from meskandar

Hibachi Monobloock by Bizzy bee audio cut out
Were you ever able to locate a Hibachi schematic? I have one with the power button stuck in the on position. I figured it would be helpful to have this before bringing it in for repair. Thanks! 
Single Vendor Components for MMG
I was a bit off on room size. It's actually 18'x15'. I was planning to pull the MMGs 3'+ off the wall with my listening position 7'-8' from the speakers. Sound more plausible? 
Advice for first pair of Maggies
My listening preferences these days are mostly classical, jazz, acoustic then rock. No metal. I still like some bass I can feel though. If the maggies won't bring that, they probably aren't for me. 
Advice for first pair of Maggies
I measured my room and it's a bit bigger than I thought (13'x20'). I will be able to space the speakers 7'-9' apart and pull them 2'-3' off the wall. The floors are hardwood and there is a large, thick rug in the room. The speakers will not be on ... 
Advice for first pair of Maggies
My room is a rectangle, I think it's about 10'x15' but I'll have to measure to be sure. I am planning on putting the speakers on the short wall and will be able to place them 7'+ apart. There is a window in the middle of that wall. I will be able ... 
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?
I'm going with the NAD, should arrive in a few days. I'll post a follow up after I've had a chance to listen for a few days. Thanks for all your input! 
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport? choices seem to be the refurb NAD, used Apollo, new Oppo 93 or used Cambridge 740C. They all sound like good choices, and I can now go a bit above my initial price range (~$700). I have a somewhat bright system so looking for a source tha... 
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?
Any chance someone here has compared the Oppo 93 to one of the other CDPs discussed here (Apollo, C 565BEE, etc.)? Just want to know that the 93 would be a sonic upgrade from the others. I don't need video so Blu-Ray feature is literally of no use... 
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?
Oppo 93 does not have analog outs, right? The 95 sounds great but out of my range at moment. To be clear on my goal, looking for 2 channel only, no video. 
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?
I'm interested in the NAD C 565BEE, does anyone have anything to offer besides it being a good value at the price point? I like that it has digital in, would be nice to hook up an Apple TV or something along those lines.Spearit has them refurbed f... 
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?
Buoconero117,I have seen you recommend the Sony 595 in many posts. I have looked several times and have never seen this available on Can you please provide a link? 
Creek evo cdp with burson opamp mod?
I have been considering the same thing with my Music Hall CD25.2 for some time. It has socketed op amps, which should make this easy (Burson sells the HD op amp on 8-pin DIP socket). Very tempted, hoping someone chimes in who has done this already... 
Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC
Don't know if this is possible due to height limitations but has anyone tried rolling the Burson HD op-amps? They sell a DIP version which I'm guessing would be plug and play? I might have this wrong, but seems like it could be a good combo in the... 
Anyone have experience with new Jolida power amp?
Detredwings,Do you have an opinion on how both of the modded amps stacked up? I assume the 502 was better, but it's not a given. What was your experience? 
Music Hall CD25.2 v NAD 545 or even Rotel 1072
I have the Music Hall CD25.2 and have not had any issues with stickiness in the cd drawer.The interconnect used will certainly affect the sound. I had been using some cheap old Monster cable for a while and it was super bright. AudioQuest Black Ma...