
Discussions meskandar has started

Strange Issues with NAD C565BEE60213
Single Vendor Components for MMG34314
Rogue Metis preamp41361
Advice for first pair of Maggies644822
Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?735122
Anyone have experience with new Jolida power amp?39015
Former Jolida Owners - What did you upgrade to?34383
Networked Universal future value?28051
Upgrade Tube Integrated or Buy Separate Pre-amp?594314
Transport and DAC or Upgrade CDP?463311
Best "Upgrades" to Jolida 202a140304
Recommended Upgrades for Jolida JD20229761
Jolida it really that good?35051
Cayin cd-15b61381
"Tube Like" SS Integrated Amps1068521