
Responses from merge038346

Need help with Surround processor
Meridian 568, Lexicon, Proceed (discontinued), Outlaw, Anthem, B&K. There are many. Not all have analog pass thru's.Of course there is the Casablanca and Meridian 800 series. 
Dunlavy SC-V and Accuphase
I have heard the SC-V's with a 300W/ch stereo amp, 350 watt monoblocks, 600W/ch stereo, and 1000W mono's. The SC-V's sounded great with all of them. Since each amp was progressively higher quality in itself, it would be difficult to attribute the ... 
meridian 506.16
i have to second that last response. transport age needs to be considered. as well as the fact that some of these newer players, like the Rotel, really do sound pretty good. 
OK I just bought Meridian 561M - please recommend
i wouldn't waste my money on a fancy CD player, since you won't be using the DAC section. look for a used high end Sony or a Meridian 500. The 500's are getting a bit old though and may be near failure. A used high end Sony on the cheap is the bes... 
Meridian 565 561 568 users - CD playing
You want to use a separate CD transport with the Meridian 568 pre-pro. The 568 digitizes all analog inputs, there is no pass thru. Therefore only a transport makes any sense, using one of the digital inputs. Of course the digital out of any CD pla... 
Pass vs. Edge
Has anyone compared the Edge products against the Boulder amps? Particularly the 1060 and 1050? 
MC352 into varying-load speaker?
MC352 driving my Aerial 10T's sounds sweet. The 10T's are less efficient than the Usher's. The large-ish woofer requires an amp with some power and control. The MC352 sounds great with either Verve's Ella Fitzgerald re-releases, or hammering out s... 
Lexicon MC12 versus Linn 5103
The best way to ensure high quality 2 channel performance is to use a high quality 2 channel analog pre-amp. Then for HT, run the front two channels of the 5.1 rig through the pre-amp as one would any source component. The other HT channels go dir... 
DLP rear projector recommendation please
in addition to Larryi's comments: with DLP, specify the apples you are comparing. HD2, HD3, and HD2+ are all at different performance and price points. xHD chips will be out soon, just to add to the mix. 
Levinson 33 Archaic????
120V/15A=1800W. Add enough capacitance to the power supply and you can have brief instances of more power. Add a big trani and it will store some power in the the form of magnetic fields. These are very short term and limited resources beyond the ... 
how much current is enough?
i would not assume that the SPL output level is log linear with input power. the mechanical dampening in speaker systems probably isn't graphed in a straight line.note from your exercise that if SPL is important, more efficient speakers are far ch... 
Rel storm III or Stadium III.
I have only critically listened to (and owned) the DD's 18" predecesor. Unfortuneately, I don't have the opportunity to listen to the new 18" DD, especially now that you have my curiousity piqued. I do not feel that that previous Velo model integr... 
Rel storm III or Stadium III.
The REL maybe "old tech", in how it accomplishes its goal. Let's judge equipment based on how successful the equipment is in acheiving its intended purpose. 
Rel storm III or Stadium III.
I have owned, and liked the one version older 18" Velodyne. It's a great sub for HT. It's a great sub period. But, when it comes to integration with your main two channel speakers for two channel music listening, go REL and don't bother to look ba... 
Please help: Do I need a preamp?
Most source components will sound better (more linear freq response, wider dynamic range) through a high quality pre-amp. Sometimes a source component will mate beautifully with an amp, most of the time the impedances vary with frequency, and not ...