

Responses from megasam

Best way to remove static build-up?
Not sure what you mean by "problem" can you be more specific what is wrong?I will tell that in the winter with furnace running you can pick up a lot of static walking across carpet, and if you touch metal button or knob of audio gear (or any gear)... 
VD nite power cable??
Metal mesh is the earlier Nite model, sliver plastic mesh is the later model. Eventually a new Nite II model was released.Unfortunately the metal mesh will begin to fray in areas that are repeatedly bent at smaller radius. 
Oooops Just got caught...
Tell her you are receiving messages from the audio gods and cannot be disturbed. 
ultimate final word what we want out of our system
For me the modest goal is:Make as many CDs as possible sound as good as possible.Sounds obvious but some audiophile systems only sound great playing small number of bland "audiophile" CDs and sound harsh playing average mainstream or worse quality... 
CD duplicate...
Jea48While your wallet is out.........I just picked up a Bedini Quadri Beam and it is noticeably better than old dual beam, another tool for CD enhancement worth owning. 
CD duplicate...
I have had very good success running two CD-R decks for direct duplication between decks. Requires purchase of $90 external CD-R deck and quality USB 2 cable. Use computers CD-R to read data and outboard CD-R to record (write) at speed slow enough... 
favorite SOPRANO?
I go with Callas.She has unique sense of drama and passion that infuses her vocals that others just cannot match. Although technically not greatest vocal range compared to someone like Sutherland, he voice in the 1950's was magnificent and can be ... 
Something similar to Mahler
Closest match style wise would probably be Shostakovich, start with popular middle symphonies 5-10. Best to mix and match here but if you want one name I go with Jarvi/ChandosLater Sibelius would also be sympathetic, the early 1,2 symphonies are r... 
CD duplicate...
Here is another very interesting in depth aticle about experimenting with different CD-R copy techniques for audiophiles:http://www.genesisloudspeakers.com/whitepaper/Black_CDsII.pdf 
CD duplicate...
I have not experimented with home audio dual deck CD recorders, and not sure how they compare to computer copied CD-R. Be interested to hear anyone who has tried both methods and which they prefer. 
CD duplicate...
Jea48To add to Nutella, the CD-R copy "can" sound better because the data copied is easier to read by your CD player than mass produced CD. The physical burning with laser used to copy data to CD-R is different and superior process to mass produce... 
CD duplicate...
I will join the camp that says under certain conditions a CD-R copy can sound better than original CD, especially a poorly recorded one.There is an article in current Positive Feedback about completely tweaked out CD-R unit from company called "Re... 
Good Low Level Resolution Speakers under $2K used.
Have you considered high quality headphones like Senn 650 with good headphone amp? I use this when main system volume must be low, for home office etc. You can get very high end sound for $1,500 budget. 
jumpers differ brand from the spkr cable
No problem in my book using different brand of cable for short jumper. Keep in mind that inside you speaker the wires from binding posts to speakers/crossover are surely different brand of wire, so nothing wrong with using different jumpers.Most a... 
How is your many titles in your digital collection
Actually the correct way to phrase original question is:"This year" how many of each format did you buy?Also a forgot I do have a 2-3 hybrid discs....but only play the CD layer.