
Responses from mcanaday

primer on buying vintage tubes?
Also if I am buying from some place like tube depot, which of the options do I want to check (and pay a few bucks more for):balanced triodes, high gain, low noise, matching.Well, I know I probably wanted matching and low noise. But the other two?T... 
primer on buying vintage tubes?
Thanks, guys. I had a very good transaction with Brent Jesse, and also a nice exchange with Jim McShane. I did reach out to Upscale Audio (twice) and never heard back. What about the Tube Museum? Any experience with them, positive or negative?Than... 
primer on buying vintage tubes?
Thanks Lowrider and everyone. This is all extremely helpful! I am excited to get started.... Cheers, Margot 
primer on buying vintage tubes?
Thanks, guys! And how do you know if you got a bad tube? Is it obvious?Cheers, Margot 
primer on buying vintage tubes?
Thanks Bbroussard! Very kind of you and I may take you up on your offer! cheers! 
primer on buying vintage tubes?
Thanks, Lowrider57. This is so helpful! 
Speakers for Office/Listening Room
Used Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus. I have them on my desktop. They are really lovely. 
Carbon Fiber Brush with Milty Gun?
Well, clearly this is more of an art than a science. :) But I love the precision we are all striving for! Thanks, guys. Great thread. Enjoy the weekend... Hope it involves shooting some vinyl! cheers, Margot 
Carbon Fiber Brush with Milty Gun?
Thanks all for your posts. And really interesting to see these directions, which are so much more extensive than the ones that came with mine. Interesting that they think it is best not to shoot the record on the turntable! 
using extra mat VPI 16.5?
Okay, fantastic! Thanks very much! 
Carbon Fiber Brush with Milty Gun?
Thanks, you guys. I guess it wasn't a dumb question after all. Appreciate the help. I'm almost operational here! 
overwhelmed by record rituals
Just now saw the photo essay, Whart. Fantastic! Thanks very much for doing that. I need some audiophile approved butter dishes!cheers, Margot 
overwhelmed by record rituals
Hey, thanks! I just purchased the VPI 16.5. Looking forward to cleaning some records this weekend, I hope. Thanks again for all the great suggestions here! 
overwhelmed by record rituals
Great piece, Bill. I love the interview with the Library of Congress specialist. Fascinating! 
overwhelmed by record rituals
Fantastic. Thanks so much!Margot