

Responses from mbmi

Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!
ANY Borresen Speaker....the new X-3 @ 11K is a steal.  
Balanced/Differential tube preamplifier recommendation?
I have the Audio GD HE-1 SE 10 tube preamp....It's a beautiful sounding pre for the $$$...can't go wrong. I paired it w/ the Peachtree GaN 400 and it's  magic... Good Luck to you.....  
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
@ricevs.......I'll also go for your GaN 400 mod.....How do we do this.  
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
This is Not a fair comparison...The CODA #16 is $13,000 W/O meters and $16,000 with meters....and you’re trying to compare it to a $2,000 amp and you say it’s Better...I should hope so...The Peachtree is one heck of an amp for 2K.....But use a Tub... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
  helomech....I've A/B'd the Aavik and Peachtree against the Belles SS , low watt tube amps, 845's....KT88's and class D sounds More Musical. And the Manufacturers are Not trying to rip everyone off as you prescribe....but offering alot of Value ... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
@helomech  Hey man, Stick with your class A/ AB Amps. But Class D is no flash in the pan. They are becoming an ever increasing market year after year and are starting to take a BITE out of your A/ AB sales. Aavik..Peachtree...Atma-Sphere...Jeff Ro... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
I was using the Peachtree pre amp that comes with the GAN 400 Bundle @ $3495 for both. Loved the amp...disliked the pre amp. Insert the Audio GD HE1 -XLR SE 10 tube pre amp and Voila'....Magic!  
Klipsch RP-600M II
For the $$$$, they are a very good speaker.  
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
I own the Peachtree GaN 400......Absolutely love the way it takes a signal and makes it sound "live". I’m using an Audio- GD ...HE1-XLR SE as a Tubed pre with an Audio Mirror Toubadour IV- SE DAC and Borresen X-3 speakers.To me this is as good as ... 
Parasound vs Coda
Do not pass go....but go to your nearest McIntosh dealer and get the best model that you can afford and never look back !  
The Best Tweak?
Best ever tweak...learned in the 90’s......Play the 1st. track of Any CD...then take it out and spray the silver side with ArmorAll..wipe it clean and replay that 1 st. track again....Noticably More dynamic...more mussical.....about a 20% inprovem... 
Are Sales Down
Look at the age of attendees at the Hi Fi audio shows......alot of gray hairs, not alot of people under 50.  
USB CD Transports
CEC Transport !  
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions
Tubed R2R DAC.........The One and Only...............drum roll please...................................................................Audio Mirror Toubadour IV-SE.............Everyone that owns this unit is Gaga over it. You will be too.  
Can you have too much speaker presence?
Buy the biggest speaker you can  afford.......very rarely does a bookshelf give you the "full" presentation that a Floorstander will give you. You'll get lower bass....equally nice mids.....equally great highs and be able to play them enjoyably at...