

Responses from mbennes

LSA 20 Statement Speakers
Thank you.Input, good or bad is what I was looking for. 
LSA 20 Statement Speakers
The RS6’s sound is clean but at times their high end can be sharp.Would enjoy more deep bass as well. I can audition the LSA 20’sand return them with a $ loss. But it’s such a hassle....The sound I’m looking for is “more”, if that make any sense. 
LSA 20 Statement Speakers
I should add..Speakers I have been listening toare Monitor Audio Silver RS6.I purchased in these in 2006. 
LSA 20 Statement Speakers
Thanks..Never listened to LSA 20 Statement’s before. Seeking insight from someone familiar with their sound...good or bad. Price is in my budget and again, to me they are extremely pleasing to look at. We’ll see if there are any LSA listeners...  
As you have moved on, are there any items you remember fondly...or most fondly?
Fisher 450t receiver, AR2ax speakers and a Garrard turntable with a Stanton 251 cartridge.  The Garrard was disappointing so I quickly purchased a Sansui TT.Do not remember their model numbers. My ears were young, and those AR’s were amazing! 
How many of you are digital only systems?
Although I use SiriusXM in my Buick, when listening to music at home I rely on Vinyl, CD’s and cassettes.  I haven’t been bitten by streaming music within my audio system. Does streaming music require a fee?  
Power conditioner types
Knowing very little regarding power conditioners...they improve sound but do they protect equipment shoulda power surge occur or are they possibly damaged as well?Appreciate your input regardingthe above mentioned Decware 
What is your favorite album cover?
Deutsche Grammophon as a record label prefers fine art as subject matter for many of its pressings. Covers to numerous to include here.  Casper David Friedrich and additional “Symbolist” artists are personally my favorites..... 
What is your favorite album cover?
Dark Side of the Moon / FloydDazzle Ships / OMDAtom Heart Mother / FloydLong Player / FacesThen Play On / Fleetwood Mac 
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
“Suzanne” by Leonard Cohen  
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
“When Your Young and In Love”by the Flying Pickets 
Favorite cable brand.
Signal cable Affordable yet excellent!improved my sound greatly 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
“Repeat When Necessary” Dave Edmunds “Nebraska”Bruce Springsteen   
This is the list of the best makers of audio equipment. Respond if you disagree
Radio Shack or Craig tape playerswere also awesome. 
What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?
Haven’t entered the music streaming venue.  Vinyl, CD’s and recently cassettes have been added to my listening experience.Vinyl is my evening listening.  The time is dedicated to enjoy music.During the day CD’s are my main source.  Fine sound and ...