
Responses from maxwellseq

Coiling XLRs.... yes or no?
Coiling will increase inductance, but only slightly and not enough to make an audible difference. The studios and stages where your music is recorded are full of hundreds of XLR cables coiled up. Of couse, most studio kit is balanced and so common... 
Is louder better?
There are some general guidance documents on setting up studio monitoring systems for level. Many adopt Bob Katz* approach (1). I came across the following link which is a bit easier to follow (2).The size of the room is very important, since the ... 
Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well
The current generation of DACs are all measurably better than their predecessors, but you may not feel that is important.There is better understanding of clock architectures including phase behaviours. There is also better understanding of how noi... 
How loud are you typically listening?
Normal, concentrating listening is in the mid 70s to low 80s. Occasionally louder, often quieter if I'm multitasking. 
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned?
From exposure to real instruments being played in recording studios, I'm not a fan of euphonic sounding kit. In my experience, how things sound in the studio is both "brighter", "faster" and "harder" than quite a lot of the more euphonic-sounding ... 
Best skiinny floorstanders
Have a look at PMC ( ). Their FACT range may be available for the money you are considering.A large percentage of films you have watched and albums you've listened to were recorded, mixed and mastered using PMC ... 
Preamp SS to match class D amp
Do you fancy experimenting and moving off the HiFi track? In the professional studio world you are describing a "monitor controller". Studio kit is mostly balanced because a variety of different things are being plugged and unplugged all the time ... 
Downside to R2R Ladder DACs?
R2R DACs are dependent on the accuracy of the resistors. Therefore if a particular design has a long term problem with one or more resistor values changing (absolutely or relative to the other resistors), then the DAC will be degraded. I suspect t...