
Responses from maxmad

Tube vs. Solid State-Basic Question
What you have with Manley is simply an good match with your speakers, cos this is the key. The rest is just the rest, so, enjoy!Tube amps offer an wonderful option and that's the tube tonality, which you can change with tube rolling, while SS amps... 
Need help picking between 6550 and KT88 tubes
Forgot to mention that NOS EL34 Tesla's are great valves as well, the only EL34 I ever tried, but they sounded very good, less extended and may I say bit laid back, compared to KT88, but not in the worse way, just different. I was very impressed w... 
Need help picking between 6550 and KT88 tubes
Generally, KT88 have more body/meat in the sound, but also found them much musical. Personally I compared NOS 6550 TUNG SOLS Black smooth plated and NOS GEC KT88. I also tried NOS 6550 Sylvania's, but didnt liked them that much. After all, it woul... 
Prima Luna - Mcintosh - Cornwall
I owned PL Prologue Two, upgraded with NOS GEC KT88, no probs with mids or anything else. For the money, and not only, PL gear are stellar, imo. And KT88 are very musical tubes, powerfull, but still...And EL34 are great option as well, but they ar... 
Has anyone tried EAT KT88's in their power amps
The MSRP of EAT's are ridiculous, imo. I also used to use NOS GEC KT88 in my Primaluna Prologue Two and maybe these EAT are better, but no way for that price. Always wanted to try those Shuguang black bottle Treasure Series KT88-Z, but never bothe... 
Sound of SED Winged C KT88 vs. SED Winged C 6550's
Bit out of topic.I never tried SED valves, but in my PL Plologue Two, KT88 gives more body, like Newbee wrote, and I think this is what you may expect, generally speaking.Personally, I compared NOS 6550 Tung Sols grey plates with holes, NOS 6550 T... 
Groove Tube EL34LS
Groove are cheap, found a matched quad for USD 80 only, talking about EL34M, copy of XF2 Mullards. I started the same trhread up here about it, but only Groove vs. NOS Tesla, where my conclusions came to buy Tesla instead, even they cost more. I d... 
Is Singlepower still in bussiness?
Just forget this one, unless you are able to fix it elsewhere, if need it. When the business was running, lots of folks were, some still are, very impressed by the sound of it, but at the end, end means end, pity... 
Cary, Cayin or Primaluna EL34 for Merlin VSM-MME
Bit out of topic, but...I own PrimaLuna Prologue Two and that's a very good amp, especially when you tune the sound with valves to your liking, which are endless to choose from. I would go for Two instead of One, cos, jumping from EL34 to KT88 is ... 
NOS GEC KT88 v.s. NOS EL34 Mullards
Thanks for your replay, going to try some EL34, just out of curiosity. Not sure which one to get, but I am really interested in NOS TESLA's and some Mullards.About their durability. Not sure if this is true, may be, but for example NOS 6550 Tung S... 
Primaluna Dialogue 2
Well, I didnt know that, hmm, sounds logical, but may I suggest you to send an e-mail to a manufacture, cos they seems to have a great customer service, especially when you have such specifiek tech question. 
Primaluna Dialogue 2
Well, this is an integrated, means preamp + power amp in one, and I am not sure how do you want to use it as power amp only??? The 4 valves you mentioned are pre-amp section valves. 
Looking for an XLR to XLR IC to add warmth
You may want to take a look at Van Den Hul D102III Hybrid XLR 
Alternative to 12AX7-EH tube to tubes
Best pre-amp tubes are made by Telefunkens, may be expensive, but thats what you pay for a quality. I love smooth plated. 
What is the best RCA interconnect?
I am using DH Labs BL1 series II rca interconnects and to me they will fit your needs, at least you don't have to brake a bank for it. Another option, which I didn't try yet, but been seen by many as real upgrade from BL1, are DH Labs Matrix. Both...