

Responses from maxdukecapone

Help With New Preamp Decision
@jc4659  Thank you for the kind remarks! Aric gets an A+ for customer service as well. I have over 50 emails to him and he returned everyone of them. I had so many questions because I was brand new to tubes and he took the time to make sure I kne... 
Help With New Preamp Decision
I am extremely pleased with my @aricaudio Motherload XL! Take a look at my system pics. It is replacing a $15k Luxman c900 preamp. The 300B Pset amp is a winner as well!  
Tube preamp for pass labs ?
@mesch  Focal Sopra 3   
Tube preamp for pass labs ?
@mesch  The motherlode XL and Custom 300B Pset My plan is to have the motherland go to both the 300B and my Luxman M10X. At least until I decide the M10X is not needed.😁  
Tube preamp for pass labs ?
@mesch   https://aricaudio.com/tube_gear.php   I have some amps coming!  
How long does it take your tube amp to warm up?
@ozzy62  So your Aric warms up fast?  
Aric Audio and my system
@ozzy62  What preamp are you using now with your super 300b? I have been emailing back and forth with Aric regarding the custom 300b. I'll will most likely go with his Custom 6SN7 Linestagebut was wonder what others might be using.   
Best RCA interconnect up to ~$100?
Custom  You can chose every component. I just had some balanced interconnects made with solid silver and the exact XLR connectors that are in my Luxman amp. still kept it under $150. His builds are so well put together I’ve almost entirely switc... 
Something Fishy with Brian Hoyer
Several have brought this up and now that others are figuring out they weren’t the only ones scammed the post keep coming and others on some FB pages. Unfortunately I don’t think this is going to turn out good for a lot of people but hopefully it... 
Brian Hoyer / In-Tone / kasa
Wow! I hate dishonest people. I live in KC so I googled this guy and looked on FB. He definitely sounds kind of shady for several reasons. Anyway he has a FB account and is a member area of our local audio group (Kansas City Home audio enthusias... 
Aurender Conductor app reliability and user experience
@hgeifman @oddiofyl  I did send Aurender an email and they said the new beta app will allow for metadata to show up but still no skipping.   I don’t see the Aurender menu you are describing.  
Aurender Conductor app reliability and user experience
@ghdprentice Bummer. The blue sound node allows skipping using paradise radio plus their paradise radio app does as well.    Sure would me nice if we could do it on conductor app as well. Thanks for the reply.  
Aurender Conductor app reliability and user experience
@blisshifi  Is there a way to listen to say paradise radio where you can skip songs? In my head phone set up I'm using the bluesound node as the streamer and the Internet radio functions are so much better. That's where I discover most of, y new ... 
AES/EBU vs RCA s/pdif into dac, RCA analog out
@heymikey  I’m curious about the Dac performance of the A20. I find mine to be as good as anything I have tried in my system. In your comments you mention you like the a20 dac more tyan the external DAC but you still the Weiss.   I have not trie... 
Recommendations for a shipper
I was impressed with UPS until I saw one of them carrying my 120 lbs amp across the yard on the verge of dropping it the entire way.    Get the insurance no matter who you use. UPS has a good reputation of righting the wrong from what I read.   ...