
Discussions matt8268 has started

Records are better. I actually heard it1278740
I'm depressed, my system hurts my ears.Please help2120629
Cheap Bryston active or Creek OBH12 passive?58199
Anyone heard of a Bryston BP 2.2 preamp19492
Here's how a CD copy of a copy can sound better403318
CD vs LP - Who cares when it's a crappy recording?352210
How can an active preamp possibly help?402312
Passive Preamp - What makes it work?69577
What are output barrier strips?126578
Which link is most important?31566
Are new Rush remasters better?409412
Shelving question28834
Bryston B60 or old 3B + .5B79567
Opinions on Bryston B60 or B60R49812
Amps, preamps, and home theater44576