Responses from mary_jo
Jazz for aficionados And again...Again...Again... | |
Jazz for aficionados pjw, that sounds really nice. I think I can picture you walking around the house... | |
Jazz for aficionados This has been posted, well, for who knows how many times but it does not matter, 'cause I like Higgins too... 'You must believe in spring' Embraceable You - Eddie Higgins with Scott Hamilton https... | |
Jazz for aficionados Wonderful postings guys...I just love it | |
Jazz for aficionados Thank you pryso!So no to "Beneath the Underdog" and yes to "Straight life"... | |
Jazz for aficionados Those are nice links Peppe & Cables, pjw.As for the "Straighf life", I already had in mind to look for it and to read it although I am not a fan of "based on the true story" books. Being aware of the fact that there is a thin line between fict... | |
Jazz for aficionados pjw, those are all great stuff from Peppe, love it.I found few quite interesting stories about him. Wife Laurie describes her marriage with Pepper: “That marriage was the making of me,” says Laurie. “Some people go to grad school or join the Marin... | |
Jazz for aficionados "What you say is true, 0-10, but the game is over, we lost. End of story."Yep. The End. | |
Jazz for aficionados Haven’t heard of Badi Assad before, fro. Very interesting lady with a guitar. Will do some research to hear more of her music. I might try to steal some moves from her. ;--) Thank you for that.p.s.Great Grant Green links | |
Jazz for aficionados Thanks pjw. Peppe is one of my favourite jazz players. | |
Jazz for aficionados Thank you schubi, girls are lovely! | |
Jazz for aficionados Glad to see you pryso. | |
Jazz for aficionados For O-10: For fro: pjw: acman: schubi: | |
Jazz for aficionados Will do now. Thank you schubi. | |
Jazz for aficionados I am not in "Just a sampling"...juhuu..."The Frogman is, as usual, the voice of reason. He is our guru in many ways. The way to stop this, is to just stop. I stop now.Back to Jazz."Well said. Agree."I see now that, sensitive and enlightened indivi... |