
Responses from mary_jo

Jazz for aficionados
And again...Again...Again...  
Jazz for aficionados
pjw, that sounds really nice. I think I can picture you walking around the house...  
Jazz for aficionados
This has been posted, well, for who knows how many times but it does not matter, 'cause I like Higgins too... 'You must believe in spring' Embraceable You - Eddie Higgins with Scott Hamilton https... 
Jazz for aficionados
Wonderful postings guys...I just love it 
Jazz for aficionados
Thank you pryso!So no to "Beneath the Underdog" and yes to "Straight life"... 
Jazz for aficionados
Those are nice links Peppe & Cables, pjw.As for the "Straighf life", I already had in mind to look for it and to read it although I am not a fan of "based on the true story" books. Being aware of the fact that there is a thin line between fict... 
Jazz for aficionados
pjw, those are all great stuff from Peppe, love it.I found few quite interesting stories about him. Wife Laurie describes her marriage with Pepper: “That marriage was the making of me,” says Laurie. “Some people go to grad school or join the Marin... 
Jazz for aficionados
"What you say is true, 0-10, but the game is over, we lost. End of story."Yep. The End. 
Jazz for aficionados
Haven’t heard of Badi Assad before, fro. Very interesting lady with a guitar. Will do some research to hear more of her music. I might try to steal some moves from her. ;--) Thank you for that.p.s.Great Grant Green links 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks pjw. Peppe is one of my favourite jazz players. 
Jazz for aficionados
Thank you schubi, girls are lovely!  
Jazz for aficionados
Glad to see you pryso.  
Jazz for aficionados
For O-10: For fro: pjw: acman: schubi: 
Jazz for aficionados
Will do now. Thank you schubi.  
Jazz for aficionados
I am not in "Just a sampling"...juhuu..."The Frogman is, as usual, the voice of reason. He is our guru in many ways. The way to stop this, is to just stop. I stop now.Back to Jazz."Well said. Agree."I see now that, sensitive and enlightened indivi...