
Responses from martyw

Audio Note AZ-ONE or Two?
budget is around $1000 for small floorstanders. 
Music Hall 25.2 or Jolida 102b?
Thanks Grinnell and Rich, I actually was not thinking of tubes at all until today. I had fully planned on the paired Music Halls (or possibly the Onkyo DX7555/A-9555 pair), but was intrigued from my conversation with a dealer today. My only concer... 
I got around $2000 to play with....
Thanks all - I think I will go with the Onkyos.Cheers! 
I got around $2000 to play with....
One other question - assuming I go with the Onkyo 9555 amp, how do you all feel about pairing that with the Music Hall cd 25.2 or should I match it with the Onkyo cd player 7555? 
I got around $2000 to play with....
Thanks all for the tips. Why the Onkyo over the MH? Are the components better? What type of difference would I hear in the sound? 
I got around $2000 to play with....
Thanks - just a little daunted about shipping speakers. Any thoughts on Creek Audio's cheaper components - perhaps the A50 or the 5350? I can only afford them if I get them used. Would they work well with the MA 6s if I go that route? Should I als... 
I got around $2000 to play with....
Thanks, I'm looking to keep this as simple as possible - just an integrated for now. Sources will be CDs as I don't have any records. Thanks for any advice! 
Newbie seeks advice - please help
Thanks - I think I am going to go with the Music Hall 25.2 amp/cd combo! Ejilf hit it right on the head. This is my first system and just want to really be able to enjoy the 600 odd cds I've accumulated!Thanks again - M