
Responses from marcober

Genelax KT88 Tube dimension/height?
Thank you that's a good price. I'll call him.MB 
Genelax KT88 Tube dimension/height?
Where can I get an octet of this tube cryo'd for some kind of a discount from a reliable source of course?MB 
Magnum Dynalab MD809T
I just bought the entry level M.D. Internet tuner to replace my Transporter.It's connected to my Cary dac.Sound very good but the screen is extremely hard to see.MB 
SB Touch w/upgraded power supply: good next step?
What I meant in my original post was whether or not trading the Transporter for a different player or tuner... Can you enhance the sound quality of Internet radio from tuner to tuner? Or all pretty much alike? Or how to upgrade the power supply of... 
SB Touch w/upgraded power supply: good next step?
I have a SB Transporter connected to a Cary dac. I am only interested in Internet radio. Is there any product that would give me improved Internet radio? Is the sound quality able to be improved upon?MB 
Make Internet Radio Sound "Better"?
You are the one who recommended the Stello.I clearly stated that I was using a Transporter. You should be more careful before handing out advice. People think you know.Marcober 
Make Internet Radio Sound "Better"?
Based on your advice I purchased a Stello 3 however the Squeezebox Transporter does NOT have a USB output to go into the Stello. Does this mean I wasted my money based on your advice or am I incorrect?Marcober 
Make Internet Radio Sound "Better"?
The question could better be articulated as: how can the signal itself be enhanced apart from playing it through every dac on the market?Marcober 
Make Internet Radio Sound "Better"?
I am using a Squeezebox Transporter with a Cary Xciter dac and very good quality cables. But I want MORE! 
Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?
Thank you but I'm still looking for a solution.MB 
Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?
I want to OUTPUT from spdif to INPUT to USB Ayre QB 9 (USB only).Any suggestions w/o fooling with the software?Thanks 
Is the Transporter
How do I connect my Transporter (which I love) to my Ayre QB9?Marcober 
Ayre QB9 with a transport
Listen Mr. JCote know-it-all sarcastic... The products you mention are the opposite of what I need to know. The signal goes in the other direction, so neither product will work! But you should know that if you were as knowledgable as you pretend. ... 
Ayre QB9 with a transport
Would some knowledgeable person answer this question for once and for all? No speculation or useless comments, please. It is not such a complicated question. 
Ayre QB9 with a transport
I want to try my QB 9 with my Squeezebox Transporter. Does the prior posts mean that this combo is not practically possible?