
Responses from mapleleafs3

Best DAC for 1,000?
For 1K a Kora hermes can not be beat. I have had many DACSBel Canto,Musical Fidelity, Calafornia Audio Labs,Assemblege,and many more. The Kora is by far the best. 
Who is a big high end cable manufacturer
Driver, If you have something positive to add do so. The mark ups on Audio cable are greater than the mark ups in the drug world. If you like paying 2K for somthing that cost the mfg 26.00 then go for it. 
Is this typical Service?
Can you tell me why they should do this for free?If its a warranty issue I am sure they will not charge. 
Best cables for a Krell/ Vienna Acoustics combo??
Try the Coincident line. They are the best cable for dollar value in the market place. 
Best player for Poorly Recorded redbook CDs?
Sorry cables is not the answer.Cables being made for the equipment of the time is not the case. Thats such a way off base comment.Cables should impart what is on a CD not change the sound to suit your taste.Cables and wire are the same basically. ... 
Broken AudioQuest Caldera speaker cable ends...
Send it to the factory they will terminate it any way you want. Send the dog to the doghouse. 
Ayre C-5xe Break In Period?
100 hours and never turn off a digtal source. Must be powered up all the time. If you turn it off it needs at least 50 hours to sound its best again. 
Peak Consult Zoltan vs Sonus faber Amati Annivers
Thers is only one way to decide. Your ears. Never ever buy a speaker without hearing it. Its insane to do so. 
Music Hall CD-25.5 vs CD-25 w/mods??
Look for a used naim player. Spend the extra money it will be well worht it. 
Paradigm Center, sub & rears for Denon AVR1706?
Dont let her riun the sound with small garbage speakers. Stand your ground. 
Who is a big high end cable manufacturer
Driver. when you charge 1800 a meter for a cable that cost less than 10.00 a Meter to make, then your no better than a drug dealer. Wake up and smell the coffee. 
Best cd player for under $800.00
Look for Naim Players. most musical I have heard. You might find some of the older models under 1K. Well worth the money.A true hi Fi product, that out plays Rotel Nad Music hall. 
Midrange hiss....VERY slight...with my Dared pre
No tubes do not do this. You must have bad tubes in it or other problems with the unit. I suggest you have the unit serviced. Or try different tubes in it. 
Are Merlins too much?
You would be better of to spend less on speakers and move up to a hi fi CD Playe. The Nak is mid fi at best.DONT WORRY ABOUT CABLES UNTILL YOU HAVE THE BEST SOURCE YOU CAN AFFORD. iT WILL MAKE THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE. 
Classe and Rega CD Players
I would by niether, but if you must the rega. The dacs in it are more current.