
Responses from map1

More on the VR4seIII
PHI 110/110, still decideing because in that price range your talking VTL MB450, Classe CAM350 Big Bryston. See what I mean? Any recommendations? 
Please recommend some active speakers
Definatley the Paradigm act 20, Put it with theyre Referance Servo-15 sub, and your set with one killer system. 
More on the VR4seIII
Tvad I just bought that First Sound Pre-amp on AG Probally will go with the Vac amp as well. Ill let you know how it sounds, oh you already know dont you. 
More on the VR4seIII
Tvad, Im still trying to find out the price of a VAC PHI 110/110. Any ideas I found there web sight but guess I have to wait for the to contact me back. Thanks Again 
More on the VR4seIII
Thanks for the info Tvad, and also all the help and time. Ill get back with you when I think Ive got all of this figured out. 
More on the VR4seIII
TVAD Im very interested in going in that direction to with hopefully findig a vt100 as a back up. Is it possable you could send me a way to get in touch with VAC an First Sound ? Im down here in Florida and am pretty much comming up empty on were ... 
More on the VR4seIII
WoW, I want to thank all of you for your expeirenced suggestions.They were all thought out in a very careing way. Driver also had some very helpful info in his see here spot. TVAD, I did not know that the VAC amps were used for his demos. That in ... 
More on the VR4seIII
Its hard when you feel like your so close, butyet not just there. your right there is so much to like about this speaker. The main reason that I emphasized Bi-amping is because Albert states it in his owners manual, that if your a metal head, and ... 
VR4 users what are you useing to get the best res
Sounds interesting. Are you getting a liquid envelopeing sound. I didnt really consider useing two tube amps, one for top and one for bottom. But it sounds like its working for you. Great, love to here more. 
More on the VR4seIII
Sounds like some good advice, and I appreciate it. I know its there with these speakers and Im even haveing fun with them trying to find it. If you dont mind what pre-amps have you been useing with yours? Im already starting to think that I dont h... 
More on the VR4seIII
I was wondering why you changed from the big Bryston, to the tube amp. Because I was considering a Bryston for driveing the bottom half> 
More on the VR4seIII
Yes I mentioned that they were new and should be about broken in now as Ive had them for about 5 months. Dont get me wrong, I love these babies. But Im not getting the liquid image float I want. I beleive it to be the electronics which is why the ... 
More on the VR4seIII
Thanks for responding. Im useing a Belles 21a tube pre to a belles 150a HR. Mid priced sony cd player, but mainly want to use them for vynle with my Nottingham spacedeck tt. It sounds Ok but Im looking for liquid, image float with more dynamics. I... 
Any reviews or buzz on Ayre k-5x preamp?
ready to change from my perreax sa 3. thinking ayre kx3,audio research ls25, herron. want liquid envolving and reliable any ideas? can spend 4 or 5k on pre amp. thanks.