
Responses from manthik

Review: Linear Tube Audio (LTA) "Ultralinear" Amplifier
Hi All,This is a follow up on my listening impressions of the UL in comparison to David Berning Quadrature Z mono blocks (200W).  I got through this testing a while back, but just never got around to posting my observations.  Just to refresh, I pl... 
Review: Linear Tube Audio (LTA) "Ultralinear" Amplifier
Hi Lance, yeah, I will keep this thread posted.  I'm not much on posting very often, but I feel I should contribute/give back from time to time, since the internet rewards me with so much information when I need it.For others out there, I'm not pl... 
CDP or DAC with high end volume control
Hi Charles,I totally lost track of this thread, and its been a while since I last posted.  I did make a successful switch over from a passive preamp to the LTA MZ2-S with NOS rolled tubes.  Huge difference over the passive.  The sound stage opened... 
Review: Linear Tube Audio (LTA) "Ultralinear" Amplifier
I just placed an order for this amp (in the pre-production ZOTL40 case).  Offer was too good to refuse.  Mine will be retrofitted with remote volume control, and supposedly works very well sans extra preamp.  I only need 1 input anyways (from DAC)... 
CDP or DAC with high end volume control
Hi Reverendo,I totally forgot about this thread, since I did not get any replies when I originally posted in 2014.  Interesting this thread picked up a bit.  In a round about way, a dealer sent me a PM this morning, and referenced this thread, whi...