
Responses from majicjazz

Cable Recs for Denon 2806 to Gallo Ref 3.1
Cable recommendations are very difficult to make as each system is different and what works for one system does not necessarily mean it will work in another system, additionally, everyone has there own tastes as to what sounds best to them. Each o... 
not impresed with my system
I suggest you try some room treatment, I have yet to hear a system sound realistic without any room treatment regardless of the price. Start with a small amount of treatment and slowly add till you achieve the correct balance for your room and equ... 
Single ended or change to Balanced ?
First of all balanced does not always sound better then single ended and many times it does not sound as good, depends on the equipment and the matching of that equipment. If your CD player is single ended you will be wasting your time and money u... 
Help with cable choice please?
Cable recommendations are very difficult to make as each system is different and what works for one system does not necessarily mean it will work in another system, additionally, everyone has there own tastes as to what sounds best to them. Each o... 
Accuphase CDP
It is best to use a preamp with any cdp, I have a Accuphase dp-75 and have used it staight into my amp with great results, but adding a preamp has always improved the dynamics and the you are there feeling that a direct cdp input cannot achieve.A ... 
Interconnects for use with MC207....
Cable recommendations are very difficult to make as each system is different and what works for one system does not necessarily mean it will work in another system, additionally, everyone has there own tastes as to what sounds best to them. Each o... 
Best Powercable for Audio Research 600
Stay with the MIT oracle Ac cables,as with your signal and speaker cables, there are none better.I am sure a dealer will let you audition the Oracle Ac cables, then you can decide for yourself.Mike 
Looking for a very focused power cord
I agree with Psacanli, after trying countless AC cables the MITs combined the best of all, combining tonality, soundstage,black background and no loss of dynamics.You really should audition a MIT power cord in your price range before you make your... 
Amplifier for avantegarde duo 2.2?
I use an Art Audio Diavolo, pure magic, and dead quiet.Mike 
Cable suggestions requested
I suggest that you audition MIT MA cables throughout your system, I am pretty sure your search will be over.There is no way to know if xlr or rca will perform best in your system, the only way is to try each and see which you prefer, it does not m... 
Speaker cables for Quad 63's
I had Quad 63's for many years, tried all types of speaker cables, I found the Mit speaker cables gave me the best sound, of course everyone has there own taste, but you should give a pair in your price range an audition.I am pretty sure your sear... 
Amplifier for Avantgarde Duos
I have a pair of Unos which sound excellent with a Art Audio Diavolo.The amp is also dead silent.Mike 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
The dealer was just trying to make a sale, too much electronics for the room is absurd,You have a great amp and it is going to sound great in any size room.I would question the integrity of the dealer. 
Classe DR-15 amplifier compared to Classe Dr-9
The Classe DR-8 and 9 where not pure class A designs but a/b, the DR-3 was there only pure class A design. Had a DR-9 for many years and it was a fantastic amp, only bettered by the DR-3 and only if you had speakers which did not need large amount... 
MIT Magnum MA speaker cables
Yes,imo,they are the best.