

Responses from mahgister

For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?
For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?
For sure! you are right... In Japan, architecture comes with paper walls traditionally then all culture circle around respect and politeness and low noise level. I am not surprised by Japan big circles of audiophiles among the cities. Noise kill... 
For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?
I live in the Bronx, we will shoot your ass through the peep hole.   We dont live on the same planet happily for me . 😊 And 50 years ago people were not transformed into savages yet ... Noise annoying the neighbours was considered impolite a... 
Jazz for aficionados
Incredible musician working with the great Sun Ra .. happy 100 th birthday ... Marshall Allen - Happy 100th !    
For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?
Tough guy, huh? 😉 I go up banging his door...I only make the sign of cutting a throat...He close the door.   Completely made mad by noise... 😊 Nothing irritate me more than loud noise... I never go to crowded public concert because of ... 
For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?
I never lived in any apartment really. I was lucky.😊 But i worked when young in a store... I read books between customers. The neighbour above make some much noise with a rockband... I did not know if it was a real one or playback... I go up... 
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
Interesting discovery in acoustic : «In what’s described as a breakthrough decades in the making, scientists at Oregon State Health & Science University (OHSU) have revealed the inner ear architecture that converts vibrations into sound, in n... 
Jazz for aficionados
Happy birthday to a great guitarist...      
I confirm that it is also  true for me... Reason why i did all i could to correct acoustic ... One thing that I’ve noticed is that if something sounds bad it can put me in a bad mood so that I don’t enjoy the following things I play.    
Here you have a point! in my post above i had  supposed a relatively stable mood day to day in a stable personnality... When i went  through a huge depression many years ago, the music and the way i heard it was not normal ... In this sense then... 
The only times i feel or i felt so is when i perceived a problem with some acoustics speakers/room parameters... Then i corrected it... If after some times i am not in sound ectasy with the music so much it is because some acoustics parameters i... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Yes. I mention it for information only and for those who have an audio dedicated room only for experiments..  A single straws change S.Q. in my experiments .. 😊 My wife will divorce if i tried these set of experiments in a living room and she lo... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
My room embedded mechanical equalizer grid is made of Helmholtz resonators and Helmholtz diffusers, they modify the pressure zone grid of the room by their location. No DSP analog or digital can do this... Listener envelopment (LV) ask for more ... 
Listening Room
Your REPEATED opinion in four posts here now about OP identity without any argument in a case which anyway is not about your business interest no one... Your posts are trolling... As you did in the thread about solar flare against me baiting oth... 
Listening Room
Will you harass him then for the next year to come about his alias as you did for me ? I advise you to not do it again as you did with me ...😊 Educated people apologize when someone correct them in a public forum as i just did ... We are not in...