

Responses from mahgister

«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Now i will link together what i said about jazz universality and classical music universality and the discovery of Dr. Essien.   All music is universal, in any genre from any countries by definition of this second article experiment above and by... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
This second important experimental study done independently of Dr. Essien prove Dr. Essien right about hearing acoustics fundamental theory : Bodily maps of musical sensations across cultures I apologize to go astray from my original thread post... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
I beg to differ. I’ve actually seen a Yoruba ceremony in Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil chanted/sung in Yoruba. Not only has Yoruba made its way to Brasil but even as far away as the US. In Brazil the Yoruba religion is called Candomblé, in their nati... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Is it to say that, just because it was dragged away from its roots, the blues is no longer black music like it was back in the 50s? Classical music is no more a white european phenomena. In japan and in China there is classical composers and mu... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
I have no idea where you get your facts from. Some guy from a paper he wrote in the UK? Here’s factual, digitally video recorded, dated and empirical evidence even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could see. Drone pilot Phin Percy shot this awesome... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
@mahgister I like the idea of providing proof (works cited) to back up an opinion with facts as you have done. It's what you learn in college when you take breaks from binge drinking. To be fair, however, much of the information you shared is s... 
Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment?
Some Vintage pieces are well worth their reputation. But i bought mine at relatively low price...  Old gear need repairment or are at risk of... Then the market of used gear can be overpricing them for sure...    And we can buy  very cheap  a... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
«This paper discusses the changes in the demographics of young people attending jazz events. Since 1986 there has been a fall in attendances of young people in the 15-24 age groups which in 1986 accounted for 36% of the audience for jazz. In 2009-... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Another interesting Beato video  who makes me think perhaps i am wrong and i did not understand well the era where i am living  as much as i thought i was:   The Death of Music Genres https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-h_OHhtvPU  
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Pleasant surprise ... I like it as much as " Rich men of Richmond" Thanks...  
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Now listen to Beato opinions in 15 minutes about top songs of 2024 :   As i said i like Beato because he is like an open book persona: TOP 10 SONGS OF 2024?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKYswE7wj1c   He is way more patient than me with s... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Certainly a great actual artist and great lyrics... Someday We’ll Linger in the Sun 🌅 Performed by Gaelynn Lea   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HaSKgPjk6g Or this version of the same magnificent song by a true artist ( not a manufactured one... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
@ezwind     +1 Great post!   I concur with ezwind...   I will only add that the media and the corporations work to manufacture not only the singers  and products, but they manufacture a specialized niche  public too, as pointed above in my a... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Thanks a lot for your informed and informative  post in my opinion.... goodlistening64  
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
You are exactly right in my opinion... i also liked the song you mentioned for his sincere engagement and clever words... A song can have meaningful words without the poetry of a Nobel prize winner and touch us...It was the case with "Rich man" ...