
Responses from mags5000

One's trash is someone else's treasure
I would sell the Picasso and send the money to Gemini. 
Opinions please
Had a Keith Monks RCM which I sold for a friend here on Agon and it was fantastic. It was also expensive as hell. I own a VPI 16.5 which does a fine job with almost zero effort on my part and it cost me around $300, also here on Agon. It's loud, b... 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
I remember the time I was dealing with a blind older fellow who was in a wheelchair. His wife had just passed away a day or two earlier, and my oh my what a deal I was able to get on a wonderful preamp. All it cost me was my self-respect and digni... 
Vinyl Outselling CD
The article aside, I would like to thank Uraniumcommittee. I believe this is the first time I have seen flapdoodle and puke in the same reply. 
Spare change on a speaker cabinet
I would think it would only work if it was the change left over from the purchase of Brilliant Pebbles. 
Does a component stand impact the sound
I had never noticed a big difference one way or the other until I built a DIY component stand entirely from jars of Brilliant Pebbles. If fact, it made such a huge difference that I was able to sell my entire system and replace it with an $8.00 am... 
Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?
Who are these Chixie Dicks I keep hear about? 
"Integrated Amp" Do I dare go there??????
Well done Aoltes. Pure comedy. 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
On 1-13-06 I posted that my wife drives a 2003 M/Benz E320 and a 2000 Boxster, while I drive a 1992 GMC pick-up. Upon seeing this in print, she was overcome with shame and surprised me last night with a 2006 Ford F250 PowerSroke diesel 4X4. I now ... 
What time do you wear?
Gees..... Sorry about starting the whole Rolex rant. I just wanted to point out that my Rolex, while I love it, is not all that spot on. You guys are much smarter than I am. 
What time do you wear?
Rolex Oyster Perpetual Date Submariner. Owned it for 15 years and it has never kept time as well as a $50.00 Timex. 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
Wife has a 2003 M/Benz E320 and a 2000 Boxster, while I drive a 1992 truck. Life isn't always fair I am learning.