
Responses from macrojack

I have no idea what these speakers are worth
Not worth much to anyone but a specialized collector - if there is such a person and you can find him. Why not just give them to your son and forget about it? 
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig
Isn't it a big mistake to proceed from the premise that you are the absolute and the components are the variables? After all, our hearing and our moods and our attention all vary with time of day, time of month or time available. I've found that l... 
Why not horns?
What sort of a man reads Playboy? For those old enough to remember, this was an ad campaign launched very successfully by Hugh Hefner. In those days (the Madmen era) American men were being encouraged to fancy themselves to be oozing savoir faire ... 
Why not horns?
Harry Pearson has done a greater disservice to high end audio than anyone else I can think of. His faulty proclamations, pretentious stance, and cronyism misdirected about 2 decades worth of audio growth. The internet came to the rescue when we fi... 
Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden
Zenblaster - It is common knowledge that everyone else hates us because they hate our freedom. Or that's the meme conveyed by the corporate press. I'm more inclined to agree with you in your assertion that they hate us for meddling in their politi... 
Is Hype About Forthcoming NC400 Based Amps Worthy is a power supply too: people, me included, buy two NC4... 
Class D amps
Drubin - Have you seen this thread? guys are way ahead on parts acquisition. 
what is an ideal tube amp
If you prefer set and forget, if you don't want futzing, you might be wise to pursue a self-biasing tube amp. Personally I would consider the little Berning.If you want to keep the budget small, there'a a guy on Audio Circle selling an Almorro 205... 
Sanders Sound preamp vs. Innersound?
Actually THAT question should only be asked of companies that offer a lifetime warranty. After all, lifetime is a very indefinite term. It could effectively turn out to be only 60 days. 
What's The Big Deal About Battery Powered Preamps?
Battery power (DC) provides 100% effective filter against AC hum. Also provides a stiffer current and prohibits any form of AC contamination.Go all out with a 12 volt system. Red Wine amp and preamp, battery DAC and MacBook Pro. Get a couple of so... 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
It is entirely possible that some speaker manufacturers discourage or outright deny bi-amping because of the warranty problems and damage to their products and their reputations that result from misunderstanding of the process. Our hobby and our w... 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
Nottop - I gather from your description that you simply removed the jumpers from your speaker binding posts and bi-amped your Maggies with the passive crossover already onboard. That approach maintains the integrity that Magnepan built into them. ... 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
Jeffreybehr - Nigel Tufnel is (was?) the immortal lead guitarist from the mythical British rock group, Spinal Tap. He reached an amazing level of fame for being the owner of a guitar amp that went to ELEVEN. As he pointed out repeatedly, other gui... 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
Elizabeth - I have always found your comments to be informed, opinionated and reasonable. In short, you are one of the better, more entertaining contributors. Perhaps Bombay's problem with you is not in your commentary but in your pants. You got t... 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
Bi-amping provides more flexibility in circumstances where more flexibility is warranted. While that flexibility MIGHT provide improvements it can provide problems. The Nigels of the world read this forum and will take advantage of the fact that t...