
Responses from macdadtexas

Revel Salons and Adcom amp, good match?
depending on budget I would look at some Wyred4Sound 500's, Parasound JC1's, a big Mac amp (402), or even a little bit older VTL model, with a lot of power. 
Do better ingredients make a better Ground Wire?
Really? This is said tongue in cheek, right? 
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?
Vocalpoint, what is wrong with you? You are on the wrong website and Forum to talk basic common sense. Please check your common sense hat at the door, and put on you "smarter than the average bear" audio hat. Don't you yet realize that a .0005% im... 
Low Volumes
OK, I just listened to some again, at a buddies in the Village, his place is pretty small, and he has rebuilt Quad 57's running off of a McIntosh MC275, it's a perfect set up for your place, from what you say, and it sounds GREAT. 
Low Volumes
I would think about some classic Quad 57's, 63's or the newer 988/9. A Quad tube amp, or Rogue, Cary 120s would work well, and stay within your budget. That's some great sounding stuff there. 
Pass amps + Power Cords ??
Tvad, Dpac996 probably can't hear it, because there is no difference and he is not falling for the placebo effect. I agree wholeheartedly with Dpac996.I can hear a difference from preamp to preamp, amp to amp, source to source, and somewhat, up to... 
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?
I love the MintLP tractor, and have bought one for every tonearm I have owned, and they do make a difference. That said, the difference is really based on how close you came to getting the geometry correct on your initial set up.With my current ri... 
PS Audio GCPH mod vs. Heed Quasar
I have the modded PS Audio and it is absolutely stellar. I bought it as a stop gap while I tested some tube phono preamps, but after getting the PS Audio modded unit I decided to keep it. In fact as it breaks in the PS Audio sounds better and bett... 
Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord?
spend your money on something that will really effect the sound, like better components. 
Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord?
Do power cords really make noise?Do you post this question just so we could talk about what a bunch of snake oil power cords are again?? 
is a center channel really necessary??
Like many of you, for my non-audiophile friends I am the go-to guy for all things AV. For those with no existing infrastructure in their homes I set them all up now 2.1 for home theater, spending more money on better front speakers, and a good sub... 
I had no idea
Shelby Lynne. Just a Little Lovin was such an unexpected pleasure. I had no idea she could sing that way. That album has joined my favorite Ella Fitzgerald and Billy Holliday albums as all time favorite vocal albums. 
Auralex SubDude HD - Subwoofer Isolation Platform
I bought a bigger Auralex platform, then I just used a circular saw to cut it to size. 
Magnepan 3.6's - Horizontal Bi-Amp?
I've tried BiAmping, recently actually, and I find that given the cost of an active crossover (absolutely necessary), and a second set of amps, you are better off with one great amp set up and the stock crossover.Look at Bryston, Innersound (now S... 
Tonearm recomendation for Clearaudio Ambient
TransFi Terminator 3