

Responses from lynn_olson

300b lovers
Last but not certainly not least, my collaboration Don Sachs, which began with phone conversations and many, many emails after I bought Don’s preamp. Naturally, my preamp had to be different, with a balance control ... the dual-mono Khozmo volume ... 
300b lovers
I am extremely pleased the Amity, Raven, and Karna designs are having their public debut. The only people who have heard them before were very adventurous DIY builders, but now, thanks to Don and the team at Spatial Audio, we are moving steadily t... 
300b lovers
Fortunately, Don and I know where the "bad actors" are, and it’s no secret. Caps. Specifically, film caps. They’re the parts that need the 10 to 50 hour run-in. I do not like this ... it suggests the plastic film is undergoing a very slow chemical... 
300b lovers
One of the really fun things about designing an amplifier from scratch (not from 1950’s schematics) is you can hear for yourself when you make a change. Reviewers can only treat these things as "black boxes", and customers can only work at the mar... 
300b lovers
As mentioned above, the Mark I Karna used a quartet of 45 tubes, but new production is limited at this time, with future availability an open question. Five years from now? Maybe, maybe not. Ten years? Maybe, maybe not. I can only go by popularity... 
300b lovers
Pindac brings up a good point. Designing a good amplifier is a lot of work, and there’s just as much work getting a product market-ready. The input and output tubes were obvious choices, based on subjective sonics, low distortion, and continuing a... 
300b lovers
RC coupling, although fast and compatible with overall loop feedback (highly desirable in pentode amplifiers), throws away about 1/3 of the potential swing (through voltage divider action) and also creates a steeper load-line, which increases dist... 
300b lovers
Let’s discuss driver tubes. Back in the Nineties, my Tektronix friend Gary Pimm built a distortion analyzer that could measure each distortion harmonic, out to the 10th harmonic, down to an astounding -120 dB. Maybe even -140 dB. It was way, way d... 
300b lovers
For now, Don tells me he is focusing on the Raven preamp and Statement power amp. We expect to transfer production to Spatial Audio, with product names and prices to be determined. The circuits, parts selection, and overall construction technique ... 
300b lovers
Thanks for the kind thoughts, whitestix. For those who are curious, this amplifier is a more advanced, second-generation Karna amplifier, first designed around 2005, and the result of a years-long collaboration with Don Sachs. More practical, two ...