
Responses from luna

Grado cartridges still worth the money?
Interesting that not long ago these were very sort after and many post about them but now not a lot of people are interested anymore? 
Thanks, But no owners from Audigon?? 
Sorry, Where is the AK forums? 
clearaudio aurum beta s Help
Renewing this thread. The cartridge is fine. It happened that the internal wiring at the base of my SME V has been twisted too much. I unwounded them and it is all good now. 
TW Acustic Turntable Mat
Genesis168, Have you got your mat set up yet? 
HiDiamond cables burn-in
With cable burn-in, if it is better than your old one then you will hear it straight away. If it is not as good then you will hear it become better after XXX hours because by that time, you will have forgotten how the original cable sounded like! 
TW-Acustic cartridge alignment HELP
Thanks guys, I am giving the mint protractor a go. 
TW Acustic Turntable Mat
Are there any Raven One users tried this matt? 
TW-Acustic cartridge alignment HELP
That is what I wanted to ask. Should I point the line at the vertical axis of the arm or should I parallel the arm tube with the line when doing adjustment? 
Most underrated Audio Manufacturers
I would add Herron. As I also own lamm. I found the Herron pre and phono amps on par with most of the current top picks at a faction of their cost. My friend owned top anniversary CJ and Audio Research models but at the end, out of his believe, he... 
Audio Research Corporation ARC Reference 600
I have owned many ARC and the Reference 300 is their best! The problem with ARC is that once aged, the circuit board will short circuit and BANG!*"|@# ... total up needed! 
Emotiva UMC-200 vs Primare SP31?
I just wonder how older generation high end AV processor or the emotiva! 
Emotiva UMC-200 vs Primare SP31?
Thanks for the responds, very helpful. I will go for the Emotive as I already have a very good 2 channel and looking to add a 5 channel power to get 7.1. Best SQ is what I needed and not extra functions. 
Mark Levinson 23.5 vs Classé Audio CAM-350
I had CA401 before and I like the 23.5 much better! More transparent and detailed. I believe the Classe is better with demanding speakers. 
Hot Stamper - myth or reality?
I went to the site. The price of those lps are way too HOT!!