Responses from lukemaximus
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly? I went with a loom of AudioSensibility cables and would highly recommend them. You can choose between OCC copper or silver. I went with silver for maximum clarity and am stunned by the result. | |
Sumiko Songbird (High Output)/Music Hall MMF-5 Replacing the stylus is good advice. I very much enjoyed the one HOMC cart I have tried, a Denon DL-110. I would heartily recommend this cart, and it seems to be well reviewed, though I understand the general reticence about HOMC, which is chall... | |
Fun With Cable Risers | |
Competitive class D amp suggestions I am very happy with D-Sonic M3a-600M mono blocks powering my ATC Scm19's. | |
What should I expect after installing a new power management system? I have not used any power conditioners since I do not think the power to my outlets is particularly dirty or noisy. But I believe the free flow of electricity improves the sound quality of audio equipment. Since I am not worried about 'noisy' ele... | |
Share MYSTICAL, HAUNTING songs I hope some of these fit the bill (some might just be romantic and melancholy.) Thanks for the question (I now have new playlist.) Enjoy! Your the One - Kate Bush Song of Solomon - Kate Bush Somewhere In Between - Kate Bush Everest - Ani Defr... | |
Lumin D2 Dac/Streamer Vs 2021 Node/Denafrips Ares ii or Chord Qutest I run Bluesound Node --> optical --> Chord Qutest to play my library via Airplay. As I understand, Airplay is CD quality (which Qutest receives as 44.1kHz.) A nice bonus with the Bluesound Node is their 4 Radio Paradise MQA radio stations (... | |
Most unusual/mesmerizing female voice. Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance (most mesmerizing)Elizabeth Frasier of Cocteau Twins (most unusual) | |
What's your favorite lyric from a song? "You gotta tie yourself to the mast my friend and the storm will end.""One Day," The Verve, Urban Hymns. | |
So whats your favorite music themed movie? One of my favorites is "A Knight's Tale" (2001) which is a fun mash up of a feel good medieval knight tale with a classic rock sound track. |