
Responses from luisma31

DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
FWIW and IMO using Roon by itself I prefer the Terminator with PCM max native rate and not upsampling in Roon. Terminator in OS mode (not NOS)If you use HQPe (which I prefer to Roon alone) then PCM max upsampling 1536 with 19 bits and Termy in NOS... 
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
Well the only time I experienced a loud distortion and hiss was with the 1st Amanero board, possibly with the end of 2018 firmware for the new board (1st iteration) which was very stable with the update from Nov 2019, that update was revealing. MC... 
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
IME when I was using upsampling, the Terminator board when changing upsampling content / parameters sometimes (and this was very very sporadic) with the latest firmware was playing with a background "ringing" noise, stopping and starting with diff... 
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
Latest board was released about 1 month ago? or so .... it is pretty much the same in terms of upsampling.the "artifacts" you are experiencing, are you by any chance using HQPlayer or the upsampling capabilities within Roon? 
New TT for ~$1500
@chakster you seem to know about turntables a thing or two, I have an SL-1210mk5, bought it used, and added a DL301II which was kind of complex to align and mount on the Technics headshell (at least for me) and I'm not entirely sure is properly in... 
@big_greg thank you for your post, you are correct, impedance could be an issue but in my limited knowledge it depends a lot on the preamp you are using and its output impedance, I have an atmasphere pre myself and just out of curiosity I asked Ra... 
New Yamaha integrated amps
Had an AS2100, great amp, kind of regret selling it but I needed the money, found this thread and will be looking into the new models  
Speakers for Yamaha AS2100
As a former owner of this amp used it with elacs b5 at 1st then switched to klipsch P37f, great results with both. At very high levels 70 percent or so clipped with the klipsch and shutdown on EDM heavy bass music, so for moderate listening you wi... 
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?
This turned out to be one of the best swarm discussions thanks to the DBA detractors arguments and opinions Cheeg, I'm not an expert on this matter just a learning user and by empirical evidence having experimented single and dual big not integrat... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
I couldn't sleep and decided to do some Audiogoning and found this thread, first statement by erik_squires I have to admit it is convoluted and cryptic initially but reading further turned interesting, will keep reading later, thank you Erik, good... 
RME ADI-2 DAC FS is it "All That", especially for under $2,000?
I am very interested on hearing the comparison of the RME vs D90, I know the D90 measures outstandingly good and 4499 it is indeed a newer AKM but some people which have gotten the D90 have mentioned glitchy performance and said the sound is not e... 
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
I have tried the USB connected directly to a fanless low powered endpoint and the results on the USB are outstanding, note internally the DAC will buffer and reclock the signal, that added to the excellent built in power supply of this DAC makes t... 
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.
Actually I’m confused by @glennewdick comment, the mismatched tubes could be driver tubes which as long as it complies with atmasphere recommended any 6sn7 except for the single position (which should be GTA or GTB not GT) would be fine Power tube... 
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.
+1 @gdnrbob Pre will possibly be more of an influence than tubes  
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.
Thanks Ralph