
Discussions lrsky has started

I'm on StereoTimes...759430
Will Quantum Computing Bridge the analog gap?34938
YouTube Favorites to share.1330049
Bublé's Louisville Concert 6/4/1134886
Compairson ground rules....should we have them?609022
Manufacurers I have known.... 2 Bobby Palkovic2057445
Phoebe Snow has died.397919
The Cultural Side of Audio Design25003
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?84683104
Manufacurers I have known....622515
Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist2391862
Is there a 'Song Painter' loudspeaker?27664
Transmission Line Bass2822843
What do you currently own as loudspeakers?1031731
What's the objection to Floor Standing Speakers?1269342