
Responses from lornecherry

How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs
Hbrant and Pls1, and Drubin thanks for the informative threads. I shall probably give the Tact a try. 
How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs
...seems like a lot of us are thinking alike. I too have the Placette active and find it transparent but also am looking at the Tact as my next step. (real bad WAF, square room). You've all but answered the preamp questions, but what about the DAC... 
Sean .... tell us more. If you've got any juicy pre-release information, please don't keep it a secret! What would be real nice, is a multichannel SACD player with the same build quality as the SCD-1 but digital SACD out ... is that what we can lo... 
Best CD player under 5000
That darn EMC-1 just keeps coming back -- so many of you think its the best under $5K, I'm beginning to believe you. Where in the Toronto area can I hear one so I can finally justify the purchase and finally compare it with the Meridian, which I h... 
Entech 2.5 setup -- Toronto area expert?
Thanks, Carver and Vince --Vince you're right, it is Eminent Tech. I was impressed with Altenative Audio, having just been there last week. Well set up rooms, good equipment synergy and matching, and no overblown hype. I may well take your suggest... 
Best and Worst Product Names
Well, what about audiogon? Where exactly did the audio go? Will it ever come back :)(Hey audiogon, maybe you could share the evolution of your name with your members -- some of us are curious.) 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
This thread is getting better as it progresses and I think Rcprince echoed my sentiment when he suggested that SACD is differnt than analogue -- superior in some areas, but lacking in others.Hopefully, more niche manufactures will improve upon the... 
Best CD player under 5000
Hi Leafs, I had a chance to hear a properly setup Meridian 508.24 and the new 588 (I preferred the 508.24). My experience at Alternative Audio in Dundas was far different then any other Toronto dealer so far. Equipment was properly set up with Sym... 
Headphone Amp for Portable CDP
The Grado RA-1 fits nicely into your price range and is excellent at driving Sens. Headroom will let you buy two amps and then return the one that comes in second during your audition. X-CAN is also good, and is superior to Creek at least with my ... 
Disappointed in SACD player
Yes, the dealer has a right to bluntly "not discount" if demand exceeds supply (this happens with cars all the time when a new model comes out --i.e. try to get a discount on a Honda S2000 or Plymoth Prowler.) But the real issue here is how the de... 
Disappointed in SACD player
Thanks Leafs, the AA Capitole and Mephisto II, along with the EMC, are on my CD short list -- they're also damm expensive, and as I've been so severly underwhelmed at the dealers I visited today, I need to be blown away before I'll part with my ne... 
Disappointed in SACD player
Checked out Towers, HMV and Sams in downtown TO today. Rather disappointing, although I was able to depart with about $250 in SACDs that I hope I like. The biggest store, Sam the Record Man, told me bluntly that they don't carry SACD, even though ... 
Where should the Whale Elite rest?
I keep my Whale in salt water, just like they do in the big tank at Marine Land. Hang on a minute while I plug it in and see what happens. Oh shhii......t, I'm totaly shocked at how good this thing is. 
Tim: The Gershman GAP, IMHO, are one of the most underated speaker on the planet. I demoed them against Martin Logan, Von Sch. and other 10K+ speakers and the Gs were clearly superior when fed enough power. There was used pair of GAP 520 (big brot... 
Disappointed in SACD player
Although I concur with the abysmal in-store knowledge with respect to SACD and DVD-A, HMV.com has one of the best on-line specialty sections for these two formats. My AMEX has got a good workout at HMV.com and the prices are far better than in any...