

Responses from longbowbbs

Looking For Advice After Dumb Vandy Purchase
As a Quatro CT owner, I am surprised anyone would sell a pair without crossovers. I hope things work out OK. The Quatro's are amazing and with the Subwoofer amp on board they are very easy to drive. 
Just got ruined by a pair of Treo CTs
Same thing happened to me with that carbon tweeter. Now I have Quatro's coming in. Love Vandersteen's! 
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
The Quatro CT's with your specific gear are a fantastic match. ARC and Vandersteen pair beautifully. At $14,600 the Quatro's are a top pick for an under $15k price point. 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
My PS Audio BHK Mono 300's and BHK Signature Pre have a stand-by mode that keeps them ready to go after turning them on. So it is a 45 second wait and they are off and running fine. 
PS Audio or Ayre?
I have the BHK Pre and the BHK Mono's. I love the flexibility of the Pre with 5 pairs each of RCA or XLR balanced. Sound quality is outstanding and since it has a tube front end you can tube roll to adjust your preferred sound accordingly. It also... 
Vandersteen fans..need your input (TREO CT)
Thanks for the video link. That is my exact system there! Very nice. I have not noticed any low volume issues with the Treo's I still have a nice soundstage at lower volumes. Certainly there is not the bass authority as I experience at higher volu... 
PS Audio BHK Signature preamplifier
I have the BHK Pre along with the BHK 300 Monos, the DS DAC and the DMP Memory player. The Pre is excellent. Versatile too. 5 XLR/RCA inputs.