
Responses from loftarasa

Best $1,500-ish New or Used Floorstander -
These would be my picks from current listings: agree the Monitor Audio RX series should be on your list, too, especially if they t... 
low end floorstander or high end bookshelf?
Floorstander AND a sub :) 
a solid state amp that is recessed in the treble
Overall I think this is a strange ask but I guess the OP is sensitive to treble level, so let me suggest Primare, or an amp with tone controls! 
Kimber 8tc or Alpha Goertz MI 3
Hey Last_lemming, I've had the 8TC, MI3 and 12TC all on demo.In my system, I found the 8TC to be most tilted up, the MI3 somewhat in the middle, and the 12TC the most neutral. YMMV cause of amp/speakers/room/taste, obviously. I wouldn't pick the 8... 
Digital coaxial audio cable suggestions.
Mike60, I've found the results of different coax cables to be very dependent on your gear/system - what are you connecting? And also, what connector types?I have tried all of the following and found the basic Wireworld Starlight 6 to be best in my... 
What’s hot in monitors from $2K to $3K in 2012?
Totally agree, all fair points.I was just trying to illustrate that between: sub-bass extension, not sounding like crud in the midband and highs, cabinet not absolutely humungous, under $2k ...pick any 2! 
What’s hot in monitors from $2K to $3K in 2012?
Show me anyone who has a 2-way or 3-way monitor in your price range that can go down flat to 35hz and I'll show you a liar!I think you should be realistic about the bass capabilities here of floorstanders, too. Unless it's got a transmission line ... 
bookshelf for classical music under $2000
Can I ask why only bookshelves? Compact floorstanders could give you more bass per dollar, with no need for stands.Also, have you got any acoustic treatment in your room? And have you experimented with speaker placement. Brightness can come from s... 
Warm Sounding Speakers
No question the "whump" part of a snare drum is lower down.I guess I assumed the OP was referring to the "snap" transients when looking for the "kick". 
Warm Sounding Speakers
I should think the "snap" of a snaredrum is above sub frequencies, around 1.5-2khz, so I don't see how that would be addressed by having warm speakers on the end of a "sterile" amp that you "probably will never like"!But if you insist on finding t... 
Your best 2-channel system for 6000$ total
I used to have the Bluejeans speaker cable - they are not bright or forward at all, rather the opposite. So don't change cabling until you've fixed your other problems (room, speaker placement, source, amp).Please read each guide on this page as a... 
Your best 2-channel system for 6000$ total
What don't you like about the PSB/Parasound combo? How big is your room? Have you experimented with speaker placement? Do you have acoustic treatment?I'd look to those before spending another cent on gear. Your speakers and amp are good quality. 
"blown speakers"
Is it rasping or is there no sound at all from the woofers?Play a test tone CD.Either your drivers are damaged or something's failed in the crossover, yeah. 
Used cables $1k - SF Amati and Bel Canto RF1000??
I tend to agree with Jkj25. I've used both the Supra and Canare cables and neither are bright; the Supra I remember being extremely neutral, in fact.Have you experimented with speaker toe-in? You may need less.What's your source? If persisting wit... 
Also the new NAD M51