

Responses from lmswjm

Tekton Double Impacts
Off topic, my apologies:This seems like a decent find regarding headphones, so I thought I would pass it on here to those who appreciate good deals. Massdrop has a group buy on the Focal Elex (modified Elear) for $699. Over 600 sold, with only abo... 
Tekton Double Impacts
IMO, the DI, especially the SE, would be the perfect tool to assess all aspects of upstream components. Reading about listener’s nuanced experiences about supporting gear is a testament to the level of transparency that Tekton has achieved.  
Tekton Double Impacts
I can understand the skepticism of a $3K cable (as many would be), but just state it as such and leave it at that unless you have experience with that specific cable in some regard. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Here’s another request for Bill to please keep posting his uncensored adventures in Tekton mod’ing here in this thread  
Tekton Double Impacts
Congrats theachean,Sounds like you put together a great system for really reasonable money. I’ve wanted to hear one of Dennis Had’s amps for a while now. I know the Brilliance is one of Eric’s favorite designs. No doubt you’re getting good sound. ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Bullitt, congrats!I’d be interested on how you got those 200 lb. behemoths up those dang stairs of yours!Bill M 
Tekton Double Impacts
Congrats nitrobob. What's the lead-time? Will be interested in your comparison  
Tekton Double Impacts
I recall Eric saying something along the lines that the 1812's deliver better dynamics (understandably), and the Ulf's yield a more ideal hi-fi accuracy.  
Tekton Double Impacts
Tempting Dennis Had SET creation for seemingly reasonable $:https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F152761532648 
Tekton Double Impacts
@ccc8282 People on this thread have consistently recommended giving the DI's "room to breathe" by allowing several feet from the front and sidewalls to achieve optimal sound. Since that is not an option for you, I would recommend auditioning the L... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Thank you Kenny, best of luck to you as well  
Tekton Double Impacts
Well said milpai  
Tekton Double Impacts
Bill (grannyring),I owe you a debt for giving great advice regarding building my system and selling gear. Thanks for the great feedback on the DI’s. I believe we hear things the same way. I’m glad to hear that you’re willing to hang on to the DI’s... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Good stuff baranyi! 
Tekton Double Impacts
Was just wondering if anyone reading this thread has any experience with the Theoretica Bacch 3D playback system?