
Responses from linkster

Tidal Speakers owners
I really don't know what the Ceras rate insofar as efficiency goes, but anecdotally the 88db value sounds about right. They are slightly less efficient than my 90db rated Ultimate Monitors. 
Tidal Speakers owners
Fla, I would advise you to contact you dealer and/or Tidal directly for that information. Karelfd, I am driving my Piano Ceras with Einstein's LITD hybrid power amp (80/115 wpc into 8/4 ohms). Again, I have a small room and do not feel any need wh... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Mike, it sounds like you are speaking of bloom in terms of macrodynamics and in that case the Piano Cera is very, very fine indeed. It will keep up with just about any conventional cone/dome speaker. It may not be the last word compared to a horn,... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Having had about three weeks with the Piano Cera, and having owner several other fine loudspeakers (e.g., Avalon, Acoustic Energy, AudioMachina), I can tell you that is absolutely NOT my experiece with Tidal. The image size seems very true, neithe... 
Which Beach Boys LP after Pet Sounds
I'd go for Sunflower over Surf's Up. These is no official BB release entitled Smile, however the Brian Wilson's Smile is excellent as is his Pet Sounds Live. 
Accuphase P-7100 or A-65?
I used an A-50V (2 generations before the A-65) on a pair of Eidolons and then Eidolon Diamonds. Was seemingly effortless in a medium sized room. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Easy to answer now that I have had them for a few weeks, the new Tidal Piano Cera with my Gill Alana linestage, Einstein LITD hybrid power amp, Reimyo CDP, Stage III cabling and Running Springs PLC. Rather than trumpet the virtues of this extraord... 
Stage 3 Concepts Magnus?
The contact for Stage III is Brian Ackermann of Aaudio Imports who is also the distributor for Stage III products. I know he has a dealer network but Brian has the most experience with the entire Stage III product line. You can email Stage III dir... 
Stage 3 Concepts Magnus?
I have the Magnus speaker cable. I believe the Magnus represents the real value in the line although they are only one step up from the least expensive Stage 3 product (Baron). I plan to acquire all Stage 3 cabling in my system with IC's up next. ... 
Tidal Contriva Diacera or Aerial 20T V2
I have the first privately owned pair of the Piano Cera model and am located in Providence, Rhode Island. I would have loved the opportunity to audition the Piano or the Piano Cera, but alas the latter did not even exist as a Tidal product at the ... 
Wilson Sasha , Avalon Indra or Magico V3?
Mordante, very insightful observation yet I do not feel it would apply to my Tidal loudspeakers which use all ceramic based drivers. I find them eminently musical but probably not the last word in macrodyamics like horn based systems. 
Tidal Contriva Diacera or Aerial 20T V2
Ptmconsulting, I am in Rhode Island (Providence), not too far from NYC. As the first private owner of the Piano Cera, I would have loved the opportunity to audition them. But alas, when I ordered the Ceras, they did not exist as a Tidal product. T... 
Art Audio Alana Pre versus Joule Electra 150 MkII
I have the Gill Audio Design Alana which was recently upgraded to MkIII status by David Gill himself in January. I bought the piece about three years ago (MkII) and it replaced an Aesthetix Calypso. Firstly, make sure you have the latest version a... 
Tidal Contriva Diacera or Aerial 20T V2
Seeing as how this thread has morphed into discussions about Tidal and matching equipment it may be of greater value to continue this on the dedicated Tidal thread. 
Wilson Sasha , Avalon Indra or Magico V3?
Calloway, as an owner of the Piano Cera I have a few comments on your observation. Firstly, the Cera has a unique bass tuning (coined variogain by Tidal) which allows it to play in a great variety of rooms from as small as 100sf to over 400sf. My ...