Responses from limomangus
Do speakers sound better on wood floor or concrete Wood on wood .I would think they would move around. | |
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?.. Wow,guys here are talking about Bose 901s here...what do they have to do with these speakers ,other than a different idea. | |
Should Equalizers make a comeback? I enjoyed ths I did like using it to play around with ,and toy with the sound. | |
Favorite music for studying or working Funny don't libraries require Silence. | |
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?.. Everybody is saying no good...but who here has heard them ? | |
What have you been working on in 2020? Going thru old equipment, seeing it's time to unload some ... | |
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A Pretty good 1972 JBL 100s -$500 2020 JBL 100s $3,000..... | |
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A The 70s was the Decade of the JBL 100s they were fair traded no discounts on them.They were a rock Speaker and the 70s was all about Rock and Roll.To own them was a statues thing.... | |
Should I fix it and sell it or sell it as is? Mark Levinson No. 331 Don't be one of these guys who think that have good.I see guys selling equipment that needs repairs for most as much as if the worked fine....that's bull. | |
How long should speakers last? I really feel it's what materials and glues or sealants used.Some break down some last for years and years . | |
Can neighbors remote impact your system functions? Yes they either have a very powerful remote or you have thin walls. | |
Why do you like a song? What makes it a favorite? I think Coronavirus gave us the opportunity to listen to other types of music ,that's out there. | |
Is the preamp the “heart” of the system? I say it's the brains of your system it gives the orders you tell it to do. | |
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding? I feel you have monitor speakers which just produce the music in the studio .But Reference should be you.....r go to speakers that give you the highs ,the mids and the lows that make you happy... | |
Help with soundbar setup Optical cable ,that's how j used to hook up with. |