
Responses from limniscate

Aesthetix Calypso Signature to Eclipse
 Running dual sub outs at line level plus low input impedance amp  will prove fruitless for you and is suicide for any fine tube pre amp,Try going out with subs at speaker level and find an pre owned Atlas.   My amp (Sanders Magtech) has 100koh... 
Aesthetix Calypso Signature to Eclipse
I don't plan to upgrade to the Eclipse version or Callisto.  I can barely tell any difference between my Odyssey Candela ($1500) and my Aesthetix Calypso Signature. 
Aesthetix Calypso Signature to Eclipse
I changed out the stock 12ax7 tubes for these: far I haven't noticed a difference, but I'm not sure if there's any burn-in. 
Aesthetix Calypso Signature to Eclipse
I can upgrade for $3500.  
Sanders magtech or odyssey kismet
bondmanp, which speakers are you running them with?  I have a HT-3 Extreme SE ++ and couldn't really tell an improvement when I moved to the Kismet in Stratos, but the Kismet in Stratos are several years older. 
Newbie With Magnepan 1.7is
A receiver with Magnepans is just wrong. The Magnepans are more of a music speaker than home theater speaker, ihmo. 
Sanders magtech or odyssey kismet
So I have an early version Kismet in Stratos and just got the Sanders Magtech to demo on my Magnepan 3.7's.  The Sanders is much better, especially at higher volumes.  It's less grainy overall.  The Kismet may reveal more detail though.  If you're... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
David, have you tried the new Furutech NCF outlet?  It's about the same price as the new SR Black.   
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
So where do you guys hear the biggest difference?  Speakers?  Preamp? Amp? Source?  When I tried the Reds in my Magnepan 1.7i's, I couldn't hear a difference. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
@lak and @oregonpapa I had them in my Maggie 1.7i's and tried them both directions.  I was using the stock fuses before.My components are: Bifrost Multibit DACOdyssey Candela pre-ampOdyssey Kismet in Stratos monoblocks 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
@lak I burned the Reds in for 200 hours and still didn't really notice a difference. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
@lak, I am only aware of 2.  Are there more? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I tried the Red fuse in my Magnepan 1.7i's and even burned them in for 200 hours.  I couldn't really tell a difference.  Do the fuses make a difference in preamps/amps/sources?   
How to add a Subwoofer to 2 channel stereo setup?
My preamp (Odyssey Candela) has an extra set of outputs, so I run two subs from each.  They are crossovered at around ~27hz.  I'm using dual Rythmik F12G with Magnepan 1.7i's.  The blending is seamless as the speakers run full-range, and the subs ...