

Responses from lgoler

Gershman Avant Garde Upgrade?
@williewonka same question to you, what are you driving yours with? 
Gershman Avant Garde Upgrade?
@jk2011 curious how long it took for them (Gershman) to turnaround the upgrade? 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
@mrdecibel No apologies necessary.  My dad bought a pair of Duntech Crown Prince's and a full set of Nakamichi top-of-the-line gear in 1986 when I was 18.  I smoked a lot of hooch with that system in my basement.  Honestly, the Duntech's never sou... 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
@tooblue   Thanks.  Civility is way under-rated these days.  I'm a human being first and foremost and know my time is short, so trying to limit the bad vibes I put out there.  @mrdecibel I may have a second home, but I assure you, I'm not loose, c... 
Speaker recomendation
@soundermn @vingard and others who have slammed @audiotroy for offering his opinions.  I just got off the phone with Dave and had a very nice and friendly hour-long chat. I've experienced most if not all of the NYC/tri-state area audio dealers and... 
Speaker recomendation
@mrdecibel my 1st home (apt in NYC) compromises the following:Gershman Avant GardeRega Planar 3 with Rega Exact cartridgeRega phono stageSchiit Gugnir DAC & Schiit Raganrok ampMacMini connected via ethernet/S/PDIF Digi AlloOneRoon 
Speaker recomendation
@tomic601 I've listened to Dynaudio Contour's and Spendor D9's recently and liked them both a lot for different reasons but feel they are very over-priced for what they are, to the tune of $5K over-priced.  I'm hot to audition some Vandersteen's, ... 
Speaker recomendation
@audiotroy what a great idea, never thought of using a separate poweramp with the integrated! 
Gershman Avant Garde Upgrade?
@williewonka  Simaudio 340i but moved that to another home and now running a Schiit Raganrok with the AG's.   
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
@mrdecibel my forum notifications weren't turned on and I hadn't been receiving the updates to my original thread.  I've just apologized to those who responded and added some clarification.  As for my question being ridiculous, you are entitled to... 
Speaker recomendation
thank you all for the detailed responses.  i wasn't receiving updates via email and didn't realize there was this much detail in this thread that I started.  I APOLOGIZE!  @Aalenik I'm listening to the AZC's this weekend!  @shadorne in terms of th... 
Gershman Avant Garde Upgrade?
I have not, yet:( 
Need recommendation for CD transport (not Cambridge)
Steve, will any of the Oppo's rip?  I'm looking for a solution that will play and rip but not a computer.  
Help with Playing FLAC files
Pure Music is the killer app not just for playing FLAC files but more importantly as a high-resolution converter to maximizing those files: www.puremusic.com 
Why USB to SPDIF and not optical?
Steve, Since you seem to be an expert in "jitter", can you provide a link to any qualitative data explaining this phenomenon, in layman's terms?Lance