

Discussions lgoler has started

Help replacing 8" woofer on Gershman Avant Garde Rx-20125013
The Absolute Sound - ELAC Navis Review1170819
Grills for Gershman Avant Garde?11570
My daughter pushed my tweeter in-HELP!266612
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!17634141
Speaker recomendation12296124
Gershman Avant Garde Upgrade?659814
Phono Preamp?37078
Amp Recommendation - Gershman Avant Garde44202
Amp for Gershman Avant Garde41805
Why USB to SPDIF and not optical?913026
Itunes - Keep Files Organized?25051
NAS Storage41557
Connecting low-end DVD player to Bel Canto Dac334786
Bridge Device/Music Storage23393